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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - write 10 sentences about scotl
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write 10 sentences about scotl: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:11 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Please write down 10 sentences about Scotland. Write down what interests you about Scotland and where you would like to go if you could go on a holiday to Scotland.

Scotland is a fascinating country.
Scotland can be divieded into three regions, the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Northern Highlands.
In my holiday i would go to the Northern Highlands, because  the highest mountain of Britain, Ben Nevis (1343m), can be climbed there.
Glen More and Loch Ness may be visited all year.
The haevy rainfalls in the Highlands are Britain's chief source of hydroelectric power.
The east is the agricultural centre with its two main towns, Aberdeen and Dundee.
The Northern Highlands are about two thirds of the total area of Scotland and the  landscape is wild and rugged.
The Highlands are also well known for their deep valleys and lakes, wich are called glens and lochs by the Scots.
The Highlands are divided by the  Caledonian Canal into the Grampian Mountains in the south and the north-west Highlands.

ist das ok so??


write 10 sentences about scotl: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:18 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hi Suzan

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> Please write down 10 sentences about Scotland. Write down
> what interests you about Scotland and where you would like
> to go if you could go on a holiday to Scotland.
> Scotland is a fascinating country.
>  Scotland can be divieded

into three regions, the Southern

> Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Northern Highlands.
>  In my holiday

I would like to
go to the Northern Highlands,

> because  the highest mountain of Britain, Ben Nevis
> (1343m), can be climbed there.

Glen More and Loch Ness is worth a visit the whole year as well.

>  Glen More and Loch Ness may be visited all year.
>  The haevy rainfalls in the Highlands are Britain's chief
> source of hydroelectric power.
>  The east is the agricultural centre with its two main
> towns, Aberdeen and Dundee.
>  The Northern Highlands are about two thirds of the total
> area of Scotland and the  landscape is wild and rugged.
>  The Highlands are also well known for their deep valleys
> and lakes, wich are called glens and lochs by the Scots.
>  The Highlands are divided by the  Caledonian Canal into
> the Grampian Mountains in the south and the north-west
> Highlands.
> ist das ok so??

ganz gut


> lg
>  suzan

write 10 sentences about scotl: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:34 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: kruder77

Hallo ihr beiden,

Ein paar Kleinigkeiten habt ihr übersehen....


>  >  The haevy rainfalls in the Highlands are Britain's
> chief
> > source of hydroelectric power.

....with his two....

>  >  The east is the agricultural centre with its two main
> > towns, Aberdeen and Dundee.
>  >  The Northern Highlands are about two thirds of the
> total
> > area of Scotland and the  landscape is wild and rugged.
>  >  The Highlands are also well known for their deep
> valleys


> > and lakes, wich are called glens and lochs by the Scots.

The Highlands are divided in the south and the north-west by
the Caledonian Canal through the Grampiab Mountains.

>  >  The Highlands are divided by the  Caledonian Canal into
> > the Grampian Mountains in the south and the north-west
> > Highlands.


write 10 sentences about scotl: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:46 Di 11.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo kruder!

> ....with his two....
> >  >  The east is the agricultural centre with its two main

> > > towns, Aberdeen and Dundee.

Nein, es heißt wirklich "its", denn es handelt sich hier nicht um einen Menschen. Der "east" ist nicht persönlich, wird also mit dem Pronomen "it" ersetzt.

Gruß taura

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