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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - wirte down what happened at ..
wirte down what happened at .. < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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wirte down what happened at ..: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:46 Di 04.10.2005
Autor: suzan

halööchen zusammen,

please write down what happened at your last birthday. use the past tense. write about eight or ten sentences.

On my last birthday I became 21.
I was at home with my boyfriend and my daughter Cecile.
It was a boring day, but my boyfriend brought me to laugh.
In the evening as my daughter gone sleep, my boyfriend and I drank sparkling wine.
We had candle light and sweet musik and we talked about us.
I hadn't got a party, because I hadn't no lust of so many people.
I wanted a sweet day with my little family.
That was my last birthday.

kann man das so schreiben?


wirte down what happened at ..: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:51 Di 04.10.2005
Autor: rachel_hannah


> please write down what happened at your last birthday. use
> the past tense. write about eight or ten sentences.
> On my last birthday I became 21.

Da würde ich eher sagen
Last time I had my birthday I became 21.
Ich weiß aber nicht ob der erste Satz falsch ist.

> I was at home with my boyfriend and my daughter Cecile.

I stayed at home with my boyfriend and my daughter Cecile.

>  It was a boring day, but my boyfriend brought me to
> laugh.

It was a boring day, but my boyfriend made me laugh.

>  In the evening as my daughter gone sleep, my boyfriend and
> I drank sparkling wine.

In the evening, after my daughter had gone to bed, my boyfriend and I drank sparkling wine.

>  We had candle light and sweet musik and we talked about
> us.

We lit candles. listened to sweet musik and talked about us.

>  I hadn't got a party, because I hadn't no lust of so many
> people.

I didn't have a party, because I didn't feel like having so many people over.
Wenn man "lust" im English sagt, meint das Wolllust, auf jemanden scharf sein.

>  I wanted a sweet day with my little family.

I wanted to spend a beautiful day with my family.

>  That was my last birthday.

> kann man das so schreiben?

Die Sätze sind jetzt zwar in Ordnung, aber für nen Test solltest du noch mal ordentlich büffeln.

wirte down what happened at ..: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:53 Di 04.10.2005
Autor: rachel_hannah


> please write down what happened at your last birthday. use
> the past tense. write about eight or ten sentences.
> On my last birthday I became 21.

Da würde ich eher sagen
Last time I had my birthday, I became 21.
Ich weiß aber nicht ob der erste Satz falsch ist.

> I was at home with my boyfriend and my daughter Cecile.

I stayed at home with my boyfriend and my daughter Cecile.

>  It was a boring day, but my boyfriend brought me to
> laugh.

It was a boring day, but my boyfriend made me laugh.

>  In the evening as my daughter gone sleep, my boyfriend and
> I drank sparkling wine.

In the evening, after my daughter had gone to bed, my boyfriend and I drank sparkling wine.

>  We had candle light and sweet musik and we talked about
> us.

We lit candles. listened to sweet musik and talked about us.

>  I hadn't got a party, because I hadn't no lust of so many
> people.

I didn't have a party, because I didn't feel like having so many people over.
Wenn man "lust" im English sagt, meint das Wolllust, auf jemanden scharf sein.

>  I wanted a sweet day with my little family.

I wanted to spend a beautiful day with my family.

>  That was my last birthday.

> kann man das so schreiben?

Die Sätze sind jetzt zwar in Ordnung, aber für nen Test solltest du noch mal ordentlich büffeln.

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