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summary: the unicorn in the garden
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:22 Do 28.08.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

Hallo erstmal :D

Zu dem unteren Text würd ich gern eine Zusammenfassung schreiben, leider weiß ich noch nicht so genau, wie!

Könnt ihr mir bitte helfen?


Once upon a sunny morning a man who sat in a breakfast nook looked up from his scrambled eggs to see a white unicorn with a golden horn quietly cropping the roses in the garden. The man went up to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep and woke her. 'There's a unicorn in the garden,' he said. 'Eating roses.' She opened one unfriendly eye and looked at him. 'The unicorn is a mythical beast,' she said, and turned her back on him. The man walked slowly downstairs and out into the garden. The unicorn was still there; he was now browsing among the tulips. 'Here, unicorn,' said the man, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. The unicorn ate it gravely. With a high heart, because there was a unicorn in the garden, the man went upstairs and roused his wife again. 'The unicorn,' he said, 'ate a lily'. His wife sat up in bed, and looked at him, coldly. 'You are a booby,' she said, 'and I am going to have you put in the booby-hatch.' The man, who had never liked the words 'booby' and 'booby-hatch', and who liked them even less on a shining morning when there was a unicorn in the garden, thought for a moment. 'We'll see about that,' he said. He walked over to the door. 'He has a golden horn in the middle of his forehead,' he told her. Then he went back to the garden to watch the unicorn; but the unicorn had gone away. The man sat down among the roses and went to sleep. As soon as the husband had gone out of the house, the wife got up and dressed as fast as she could. She was very excited and there was a gloat in her eye. She telephoned the police and she telephoned a psychiatrist; she told them to hurry up to her house and bring a strait-jacket. When the police and the psychiatrist arrived they sat down in chairs and looked at her, with great interest. 'My husband,' she said, saw a unicorn this morning.' The police looked at the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist looked at the police. 'He told me it had a golden horn in the middle of its forehead,' she said. At a solemn signal from the psychiatrist, the police leaped from their chairs and seized the wife. They had a hard time subduing her, for she put up a terrific struggle, but they finally subdued her. Just as they got her into the strait-jacket, the husband came back into the house. 'Did you tell your wife you saw a unicorn?' asked the police. 'Of course not,' said the husband. 'The unicorn is a mythical beast.' 'That's all I wanted to know,' said the psychiatrist. 'Take her away. I'm sorry, sir, but your wife is as crazy as a jaybird.' So they took her away, cursing and screaming, and shut her up in an institution. The husband lived happily ever after.
Moral: Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.

< Das ist der Text!
Und ich hab mal einen grobe Zusammenfassung dieses Textes gemacht:

"The unicorn in the garden" was written by James Thurber.
The story is about a couple, which don't like ech other anymore.
One day a man sees an unicorn in his garden and nervers his wife with it.
She is verry angry and calls her man "booby" and want to put him in the booby-hatch.
Her man hates this two words and nerves she one more time, but then, he goes to bed.
During he sleeps, his wife uses this opportunity and calls the police and a psychiatrist, because of her husband.
When they arrive, the tell them that her husbund is crazy, because he saw an unicorn.
But, when the police ask him, wheter he saw an unicorn, he disagrees and say "The unicorn is a mythical beast", what his wife said to him when he told her about the unicorn.
So the police take her away and the man is happoöy ever after.

zu dem Moral, wie kann ich den erklären, aber mit Respeckt zu der Geschichte?

..und die Beziehung zwischen den beiden is meiner Zusammenfassung auch zu erkennen oder?

-- DANKE --

summary: Opinion
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:28 Do 28.08.2008
Autor: Timmi

Hey A.!

> "The unicorn in the garden" was written by James Thurber.
>  The story is about a couple, which don't like ech other
> anymore.

Wahr, aber nicht sehr aussagekräftig. Bring doch rein,dass der man seine Frau hinter's Licht führt.

>  One day a man sees an unicorn in his garden and nervers
> his wife with it.

he gets on s.o.’s nerves- you don't "nerv" him!

>  She is verry angry and calls her man "booby" and want to
> put him in the booby-hatch.

... and wants...  to institutionalize sb.(=einweisen) nicht "put" benutzen.

>  Her man hates this two words and nerves she one more time,
> but then, he goes to bed.

besser: He dosn't like it, if s.o calls him like that.
So he gets his wife on her nerves one mor time and goes sleeping.

>  During he sleeps, his wife uses this opportunity and calls
> the police and a psychiatrist, because of her husband.

Moment. Nicht während er schläft sondern als er das Haus am nächsten Morgen verlassen hat ruft sie dort an.

>  When they arrive, the tell them that her husbund is crazy,
> because he saw an unicorn.

Da is was verdreht. Richtig: she tells them.

>  But, when the police ask him, wheter he saw an unicorn, he
> disagrees and say "The unicorn is a mythical beast", what
> his wife said to him when he told her about the unicorn.
>  So the police take her away and the man is happoöy ever
> after.

Versuche die indirekte Rede zu benutzen, kommt besser an.Und nochmal: he she it "S" muss mit;-)

> zu dem Moral, wie kann ich den erklären, aber mit Respeckt
> zu der Geschichte?

Sollst ja nur den Inhalt widergeben und nicht die Moral deuten. Oder?

> ..und die Beziehung zwischen den beiden is meiner
> Zusammenfassung auch zu erkennen oder?

Ich denke schon.

Also nochmal überarbeiten, kannst es wieder reinstellen!

P.S Das sollen nur ein Tipps sein..

Viele Grüße Timmi

summary: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:29 Sa 30.08.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz

Ah ok, danqescheen für die Tipps!!

..Aber die Bedeutung des Moral-Satzes würd ich auch schon gern noch wissen / deuten.. :D

summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:06 Sa 30.08.2008
Autor: leduart

Die Moral ist bei Thurber nicht ernst zu nehmen, boobies sind auch ne sorte Voegel d.h. Zaehl sie nicht, bevor sie schluepfen, geht wohl auf ne alte Fabel zurueck, wos um Huehner geht. Sinngemaesses dt Sprichwort: Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben,  oder kurz: freu dich nicht zu frueh.
Gruss leduart

summary: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:36 Sa 30.08.2008
Autor: Mandy_90


ich hätte da was kleines anzumerken.

> > "The unicorn in the garden" was written by James Thurber.
>  >  The story is about a couple, which don't like ech other
> > anymore.

Hier heißt es nicht don't sondern doesn't.Und besser ist es,wenn du schreibst "is written" anstatt "was written".


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