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Forum "Uni-Finanzmathematik" - spot price, spot rate
spot price, spot rate < Finanzmathematik < Finanz+Versicherung < Hochschule < Mathe < Vorhilfe
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spot price, spot rate: Tipp, Idee
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:37 Sa 15.11.2014
Autor: mathegenie_90

a)The government offers guarantees for the corporate debt of XYZ AG, The company plans to issue a three-year bond with an an annual coupon of 4,5%. Other bonds issued by XYZ trade with a credit spread of 4% p.a. The risk-free rate is at 1% p.a. for all maturities. Determine the value of the government guarantee if the debt of XYZ with a guarantee has a face value of 4 billion euros.

b) The following stock derivatives on a performance index  (spot price S=200) are traded:
                   spot price           Exercise Price E            Time-to-Maturity T
Call                  20                         220                                1 year
Call                  14                         200                                0,5 year
Put                   30                         220                                1 year

Determine the riskfree interest rate assuming a flat term structure up to 1 year.

c) You own a default-free two year zero coupon bond. You plan to sell the bond in one year and want to fix the price today. Determine the fair one-year forward price of the zero coupon bond given the following term structure.

                     Time-to-Maturity                      spot rate (p.a.)
                          1  year                                      1%
                          2  years                                    2 %
                          3  years                                    2 %

Hallo liebe Forumfreunde,

leider fehlt mir jeglicher Ansatz zu den Aufgaben a)-c), daher wende ich mich an euch.
Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen.
Würde mich über jede Hilfe sehr freuen.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.


spot price, spot rate: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:20 Fr 21.11.2014
Autor: matux

Ansicht: [ geschachtelt ] | ^ Forum "Uni-Finanzmathematik"  | ^^ Alle Foren  | ^ Forenbaum  | Materialien

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