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some or any: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:31 So 23.09.2007
Autor: doopey

Wir haben die Aufgabe some or any einzusetzen in einen Lückentext. Nur ich kann mich sehr wage daran erinnern deswegen bitte ich um Korrektur mit Begründung.

Danke :)

I´d like to ask some quesitons about the Titanic, Dr Ballard, and about some of the reasons why you´re so interested in the ship.
Ask some questions you want about some aspect of the story. That´s why I´m here,
Some people say the Titanic is a grave and should be left in peace, but some scientists think that´s nonsense and there mustn´t be any attempt to stop people like yourself.
You know, there are some things - like the Titanic - that belong to the world. There isn´t any good reason not to take photos of it, for example.
I believe you used some very complex technology for those pictures at 12,690 feet below the surface of the Atlantic, and that you decided not to bring back any of the objects you saw down there.
That´s correct. After all, some parts of the ship really are a grave and we decided not to disturb any of those parts.
I see. Dr Ballard, can you now give us any exact details about the technology you used?

Vielen Dank :)

some or any: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:39 So 23.09.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey doopey [winken],

Na dann will ich mich mal an dieser Aufgabe versuchen (auch bei mir liegt dieses Kapitel schon ne Zeit lang zurück ;-))

> A:
> I´d like to ask some quesitons about the Titanic, Dr
> Ballard, and about some of the reasons why you´re so
> interested in the ship.


>  B:
>  Ask some questions you want about some aspect of the
> story. That´s why I´m here,


>  A:
>  Some people say the Titanic is a grave and should be left
> in peace, but some scientists think that´s nonsense and
> there mustn´t be any attempt to stop people like yourself.


>  B:
>  You know, there are some things - like the Titanic - that
> belong to the world. There isn´t any good reason not to
> take photos of it, for example.


>  A:
>  I believe you used some very complex technology for those
> pictures at 12,690 feet below the surface of the Atlantic,
> and that you decided not to bring back any of the objects
> you saw down there.


>  B:
>  That´s correct. After all, some parts of the ship really
> are a grave and we decided not to disturb any of those parts.


>  A:
>  I see. Dr Ballard, can you now give us any exact details
> about the technology you used?


Hier müsste tatsächlich "some" verwendet werden, auch wenn wir hier eine Frage vorliegen haben. Jedoch erwartet man eine Antwort mit "Ja" --> deswegen muss hier some benutzt werden.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

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