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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - role-play
role-play < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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role-play: korr.
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:33 So 21.03.2010
Autor: little.bubble

Es wäre nett, wenn jemand auf diesen Text einen Blick werfen könnte! VIELEN DANK!

•linguistic skills: using phrases and words; improving their pronunciation; remembering easy/simple phrases; promoting communicative competence
•cognitive, motor and social skills: stimulating the imagination; interacting with other children; acting the story (in a suitable way) > miming the animals; identifying with the role
From an early age, role play is important to a child's development and learning. It not only stimulates their imagination but can help with their social development. Especially young children love to slip into another role. Most of them are self-confident in acting.

Cross curricular activities:
Drama; Acting

Fix the animal pictures with Patafix on the board in the correct order. Repeat with the whole class the phrases. Write the phrases on the board. Point at each picture in the correct order and say the dialogue.

Phrases and movements for the dialogue:
 Butterfly:
o "Is this your mum?" => point at the animal; move both arms to each side
 Little monkey:
o "No, no, no, that's a/an ... (elephant, bat, snake, frog, parrot, spider, monkey)." => move your forefinger to and fro
o “No, no, no that’s not my mum. This is my dad!”
 Elephant, Bat, Snake, Frog, Spider, Parrot:
o “I am a/an…..!” + movement or noise of the animal
 Monkey dad:
o “Come, little monkey, come, come, come. It’s time I took you home to mum.” => beckon the little monkey to come

While repeating these phrases the children should make suitable movements (expressions). Mime and gesture are very essential.

The children put on their animal masks and mime the animals. At first the whole class speaks the dialogue several times.
Let the children repeat the dialogue in groups. If they need help, they should raise their hands. The teacher should support them by pronouncing and emphasising the words.

Then the children who want to play the role should get the possibility. They should try to speak the dialogue on their own. If they are not sure what to say they can also look to the board on which are standing the phrases and the order of the animals. Another possibility to help is that the teacher whispers the text.
Change the roles. Each child who wants to act the story should be able to do it. Repeat the role play several times.
For shy children the roles as the elephant, the bat, the snake, the frog, the parrot, the spider, and the monkey mum are very suitable. They only have to imitate the animal without having to say much text. They should make the sound of the animal or an typical movement.

role-play: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:23 Mo 22.03.2010
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Morgen,
einige Anmerkungen ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:

> role-play
>  Skills:
>  • linguistic skills: using phrases and words; improving
> their pronunciation; remembering easy/simple phrases;
> promoting communicative competence
>  • cognitive, motor and social skills: stimulating the
> imagination; interacting with other children; acting the
> story (in a suitable way) > miming the animals; identifying
> with the role
>  From an early age, role play is important to a child's
> development and learning. It not only stimulates their
> imagination but can help with their social development.
> Especially young children love to slip into another role.
> Most of them are self-confident in acting.
> Cross curricular activities:
>  Drama; Acting (klein schreiben)
> Introduction:
>  Fix the animal pictures with Patafix on the board in the
> correct order.

Den Satz könntest Du evtl. etwas umstellen, vielleicht so: Fix the animal pictures with Patafix in correct order on the board

> Repeat with the whole class the phrases.

Vorschlag: Repeat the phrases with the whole class.

> Write the phrases on the board. Point at each picture in
> the correct order and say the dialogue.
> Phrases and movements for the dialogue:
>   Butterfly:
> o "Is this your mum?" => point at the animal; move both
> arms to each side
>   Little monkey:
> o "No, no, no, that's a/an ... (elephant, bat, snake, frog,
> parrot, spider, monkey)." => move your forefinger to and
> fro
>  o “No, no, no that’s not my mum. This is my dad!”
>   Elephant, Bat, Snake, Frog, Spider, Parrot (klein schreiben):
> o “I am a/an…..!” + movement or noise of the animal
>   Monkey dad:
>  o “Come, little monkey, come, come, come. It’s time I
> took (m.E. solltest Du hinter "time" einen Punkt setzen und "I take" schreiben. / Alternative: "It's time to take you home to mum) you home to mum.” => beckon the little monkey to
> come.
> While repeating these phrases the children should make
> suitable movements (expressions). Mime and gesture are very
> essential.
> The children put on their animal masks and mime the
> animals. At first the whole class speaks the dialogue
> several times.
> Let the children repeat the dialogue in groups. If they
> need help, they should raise their hands. (Sprachpuristen könnten darauf bestehen, dass bei dieser Formulierung jedes Kind beide Hände heben muss, "their hand" reichte aus...) The teacher
> should support them by pronouncing and emphasising the
> words.
> Then the children who want to play the role should get the
> possibility. They should try to speak the dialogue on their
> own. If they are not sure what to say they can also look to
> the board on which are standing the phrases and the order
> of the animals. Another possibility to help is that the
> teacher whispers the text.
> Change the roles. Each child who wants to act the story
> should be able to do it. Repeat the role play several
> times.
> For shy children the roles as the elephant, the bat, the
> snake, the frog, the parrot, the spider, and the monkey mum
> are very suitable. They only have to imitate the animal
> without having to say much text. They should make the sound
> of the animal or an (nur "a") typical movement.

Soweit meine Vorschläge.
Vielleicht sieht jemand anderes noch etwas.

Schönen Gruß

role-play: mittl.
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:29 Mo 22.03.2010
Autor: little.bubble

Erstmal Danke!
vl findet noch jemand ein paar "mistakes" ;)

role-play: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:57 Mo 22.03.2010
Autor: leduart

der Satz "If they are not sure what to say they can also look to

> the board on which are standing the phrases and the order
> of the animals.

ist ein Germanismus. "Auf der Tafel stehen" kann man nicht wörtlich übersetzen.
Vorschlag :...can also look to the board, where the phrases are written ( displayed) in the order of the animals
oder .....can also look to the board and read the phrases there.
Gruss leduart

role-play: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:07 Do 25.03.2010
Autor: wildRover

Also eigentlich ist das meiste schon gesagt. Vielleicht das noch:

"It not only stimulates their imagination but can (hier viell. ein "also" einfügen) help with their social development. "

Ich weiß, das ist Haarspalterei aber vom Sprachgefühl her irgendwie besser. Hab sonst  keine Fehler entdeckt.
Grüße! ;-)

role-play: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:59 So 28.03.2010
Autor: little.bubble

vIelen Vielen DANK!
hat mir schon weitergeholfen!
nochmals großes DANKE!!!!

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