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Forum "Grammatik" - questions in the passive
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questions in the passive: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 07:50 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: suzan

Guten morgen zusammen [kaffeetrinker]

Please rewrite down the questions in the passive, with the help of  the clues in brackets. Then answer them.

1. Has Steve already fixed dinner for today? (No)
- Has dinner already been fixed for today?
No, it hasn't.

2. Have Steve and Carol already eaten dinner? (No)
- Have dinner already been eaten?
No, it hasn't.

3. Will Carol prepare the dessert soon? (Yes)
- Will dessert prepare been soon?
Yes, it will.

4. Do the English drink a lot of tea? (Yes)
- Does a lot of tea been the English drink?
Yes, it do.

ist das so richtig?


questions in the passive: Antwort (fehlerhaft)
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 10:07 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hi Suzan

> Guten morgen zusammen [kaffeetrinker]
> Please rewrite down the questions in the passive, with the
> help of  the clues in brackets. Then answer them.
> 1. Has Steve already fixed dinner for today? (No)
>  - Has dinner already been fixed for today?
>  No, it hasn't.



Has dinner already been eaten by Steve and Carol?

>  No, it hasn't.
> 3. Will Carol prepare the dessert soon? (Yes)
>  - Will dessert prepare been soon?

Will the dessert been prepared by Carol soon?

>  Yes, it will.
> 4. Do the English drink a lot of tea? (Yes)
>  - Does a lot of tea been the English drink?

Is a lot of tea been drunken by English?

>  Yes, it do.



questions in the passive: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:12 Mo 10.10.2005
Autor: suzan

danke britta :-)

questions in the passive: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:51 Di 11.10.2005
Autor: taura

Hallo Britta!

> > 3. Will Carol prepare the dessert soon? (Yes)
>  >  - Will dessert prepare been soon?
>  Will the dessert been prepared by Carol soon?
>  >  Yes, it will.

Nein, es muss heißen: "will the dessert be prepared by Carol soon?"

> > 4. Do the English drink a lot of tea? (Yes)
>  >  - Does a lot of tea been the English drink?
>  Is a lot of tea been drunken by English?
>  >  Yes, it do.

"drunken" heißt betrunken... Es muss hier "drunk" heißen.

Gruß taura

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