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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - questions
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questions: Korrektur?
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 17:36 Fr 14.11.2008
Autor: little.bubble

es wäre echt nett, wenn ihr mir dabei helfen könntet!!!!! mein englisch ist hilfsbedürftig! BITTE!

Questions about „ Ten Principles for Teaching English”
by Melanie Williams

1)What do children bring to the classroom?
Children bring many experience with them to the classroom. They have learnt at least one language and they have a fundamental knowledge of their world.

2)What intelligences does Gardner speak about? And how can you use them when you teach?
Gardner says that there are many types of intelligences. She identifies seven intelligences:
· linguistic,
· logico-mathematical,
· visual/spatial,
· musical,
· bodily-kinaesthetic,
· interpersonal and
· intrapersonal.
It is important that work in classroom is devised and constructed so that every child can take part and make progress.
[I (as a prospective teacher) have to pay attention to these intelligences of the children. I can also use these intelligences. For instance I could make a week-scheduled, a project or many different stations for learning: Children should choose which parts (stations) of them they want to do. It is important to use different media.
I can make children to my assistants.
The topics should attractive to the children.]

3)What does ZPD mean and what is it all about?
ZPD means “zone of proximal development” and it emphasises the quality of interaction under adult leadership or in teamwork with or capable peers.

ZPD is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help.

4)What does “scaffolding” mean (also look up the word in the English-English-dictionary and write down the meanings)?
“Scaffolding” (Gerüst) is the Bruners’s interpretation of ZPD. It is a metaphor to describe the intervention by one “learned” person in the learning of another.

[“Scaffolding” is the support of a “learnt” person (who has learnt something before) to another person, who has to learn it/something.]

Scaffolding: “It is a structure of metal poles and wooden boards put against a building for workers to stand on when they want to reach the higher parts of the building.”

5)What is CLT?
“CLT” means communicative language teaching.

it is important that children are able to understand or transmit messages and not that they are able to speak total correctly.

6)Who speaks about a “tool kit of culture” and what is it?
Vygotsky speaks about a “tool kit of culture” where the concepts and meanings the child acquires in the mother tongue arise from the culture by which the child is surrounded. === was heißt das?????
Children learn from the culture by which they are surrounded.?

7)What is wrong about “a diet of oversimplified language”?
Children are not motivated to solve a problem, if there isn’t any.

8)Why should children use “chunks of language”?
Chunks of language simplify the learning of a foreign language. (For children it is easier to learn a foreign language in chunks.) Children can remember chunks of a song…much better. Chunks of language come easier into the long-term memory.

9)Make a list of all the principles, trying to explain them in ONE sentence.

Start where the child is:
Teachers should adjust classes to the individual needs of the children.

Encourage social interaction: Social interactions can [affect] have positive consequences to the development of the children. Children can learn from each other.

Support negotiation of meaning and collaborative talk: Children should talk to each other, work in teams and express their meanings in another language.

Allow children to be active participants in the learning process: Not the teacher has to learn a foreign language, but the children have to.

Pitch input within the zone of proximal development: Young learners should not be confronted with oversimplified language. They should be educated at the level they are.

Introduce language at discourse level: Learning in chunks is much easier and learning a foreign language should be exciting and entertaining.

Plan meaningful and purposeful activities within a clear, familiar context: Children need to be working within clear, familiar contexts and for the interaction to be meaningful and purposeful to them. == was heißt das?
Teachers should give children a reason why they do something.
Without a reason why children have to learn something, they wouldn’t be interested in the English lesson.

Help learners to become more independent and autonomous: It is important for young learners to become active participants in the learning process to create their own understandings and meanings. They should become independent bit by bit.

Develop a supportive, non-threatening, enjoyable learning environment: For learning to be successful, it is important to engender a positive atmosphere in the classroom (before teaching).

Test and assess in the way that we teach: It is important to test and assess in the way the nine points say.

10)Choose 4 Principles that are, for you, the most important ones in this text, explain them and say why you have chosen them.

Start where the child is: Teachers should adjust their lessons (classes) to the individual needs of the children. It is important that the potential and abilities of children are found out.

I have chosen this principle because I think that without this principle, English learning can’t work. If teachers expect too much (or too less) of the children, they won’t be motivated to learn. It is important to create an anxiety-free atmosphere in the classroom.

Encourage social interaction: Social interactions can have positive consequences to the development of the children. Children can learn from each other.

This principle isn’t only important for the English lessons. Children should learn to work in pairs or in a group. Learning a foreign language does not only have linguistic aims, it also should support the social skills.

Allow children to be active participants in the learning process: Not the teacher has to learn a foreign language, but the children have to.

I have chosen this principle because it is motivating for young learners to be active involved. Children learn a foreign language by doing something with the language. (by singing a song, by playing games…)

Develop a supportive, non-threatening, enjoyable learning environment: For learning to be successful, it is important to engender a positive atmosphere in the classroom (before teaching).

I think it is important to create an pleasant learning environment, because children are able to learn better if they are supported and patiently helped if they have a problem.

questions: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:55 Fr 14.11.2008
Autor: reverend

Dein Englisch ist gar nicht so schlecht, wie Du offenbar denkst. Allerdings ist mir nicht an allen Stellen klar, welche Sätze wirklich von Dir stammen.

Könntest Du den Text vielleicht farbig oder kursiv unterscheiden - z.B. kursiv alles, was aus der Fragevorgabe stammt oder in anderer Weise ein Zitat ist?

Die Markierung ist nicht so schwierig, weil es sich ja um längere Textblöcke handelt. Für kursive Schrift setzt Du am Anfang des kursiven Teils die Markierung [mm][i][/mm], und am Ende des Teils die Markierung [mm][/i][/mm].
Farbig geht genauso, nur musst Du das i in den eckigen Klammern ersetzen durch red, blue oder green.

Im übrigen: viel Text ;-)

questions: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:32 So 16.11.2008
Autor: little.bubble

es wäre echt nett, wenn ihr mir dabei helfen könntet!!!!! mein englisch ist hilfsbedürftig! BITTE! ==== es wäre schon viel geholfen, wenn auch nur teile korrigiert werden! danke!

Questions about „ Ten Principles for Teaching English”
by Melanie Williams

1)What do children bring to the classroom?
Children bring many experience with them to the classroom. They have learnt at least one language and they have a fundamental knowledge of their world.

2)What intelligences does Gardner speak about? And how can you use them when you teach?
Gardner says that there are many types of intelligences. She identifies seven intelligences:
· linguistic,
· logico-mathematical,
· visual/spatial,
· musical,
· bodily-kinaesthetic,
· interpersonal and
· intrapersonal.
It is important that work in classroom is devised and constructed so that every child can take part and make progress.
[I (as a prospective teacher) have to pay attention to these intelligences of the children. I can also use these intelligences. For instance I could make a week-scheduled, a project or many different stations for learning: Children should choose which parts (stations) of them they want to do. It is important to use different media.
I can make children to my assistants.
The topics should attractive to the children.]

3)What does ZPD mean and what is it all about?
ZPD means “zone of proximal development” and it emphasises the quality of interaction under adult leadership or in teamwork with or capable peers.

ZPD is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help.

4)What does “scaffolding” mean (also look up the word in the English-English-dictionary and write down the meanings)?
“Scaffolding” (Gerüst) is the Bruners’s interpretation of ZPD. It is a metaphor to describe the intervention by one “learned” person in the learning of another.

[“Scaffolding” is the support of a “learnt” person (who has learnt something before) to another person, who has to learn it/something.]

Scaffolding: “It is a structure of metal poles and wooden boards put against a building for workers to stand on when they want to reach the higher parts of the building.”

5)What is CLT?
“CLT” means communicative language teaching.

it is important that children are able to understand or transmit messages and not that they are able to speak total correctly.

6)Who speaks about a “tool kit of culture” and what is it?
Vygotsky speaks about a “tool kit of culture” where the concepts and meanings the child acquires in the mother tongue arise from the culture by which the child is surrounded. === was heißt das?????
Children learn from the culture by which they are surrounded.?

7)What is wrong about “a diet of oversimplified language”?
Children are not motivated to solve a problem, if there isn’t any.

8)Why should children use “chunks of language”?
Chunks of language simplify the learning of a foreign language. (For children it is easier to learn a foreign language in chunks.) Children can remember chunks of a song…much better. Chunks of language come easier into the long-term memory.

9)Make a list of all the principles, trying to explain them in ONE sentence.

Start where the child is:
Teachers should adjust classes to the individual needs of the children.

Encourage social interaction: Social interactions can [affect] have positive consequences to the development of the children. Children can learn from each other.

Support negotiation of meaning and collaborative talk: Children should talk to each other, work in teams and express their meanings in another language.

Allow children to be active participants in the learning process: Not the teacher has to learn a foreign language, but the children have to.

Pitch input within the zone of proximal development: Young learners should not be confronted with oversimplified language. They should be educated at the level they are.

Introduce language at discourse level: Learning in chunks is much easier and learning a foreign language should be exciting and entertaining.

Plan meaningful and purposeful activities within a clear, familiar context: Children need to be working within clear, familiar contexts and for the interaction to be meaningful and purposeful to them. == was heißt das?
Teachers should give children a reason why they do something.
Without a reason why children have to learn something, they wouldn’t be interested in the English lesson.

Help learners to become more independent and autonomous: It is important for young learners to become active participants in the learning process to create their own understandings and meanings. They should become independent bit by bit.

Develop a supportive, non-threatening, enjoyable learning environment: For learning to be successful, it is important to engender a positive atmosphere in the classroom (before teaching).

Test and assess in the way that we teach: It is important to test and assess in the way the nine points say.

10)Choose 4 Principles that are, for you, the most important ones in this text, explain them and say why you have chosen them.

Start where the child is: Teachers should adjust their lessons (classes) to the individual needs of the children. It is important that the potential and abilities of children are found out.

I have chosen this principle because I think that without this principle, English learning can’t work. If teachers expect too much (or too less) of the children, they won’t be motivated to learn. It is important to create an anxiety-free atmosphere in the classroom.

Encourage social interaction: Social interactions can have positive consequences to the development of the children. Children can learn from each other.

This principle isn’t only important for the English lessons. Children should learn to work in pairs or in a group. Learning a foreign language does not only have linguistic aims, it also should support the social skills.

Allow children to be active participants in the learning process: Not the teacher has to learn a foreign language, but the children have to.

I have chosen this principle because it is motivating for young learners to be active involved. Children learn a foreign language by doing something with the language. (by singing a song, by playing games…)

Develop a supportive, non-threatening, enjoyable learning environment: For learning to be successful, it is important to engender a positive atmosphere in the classroom (before teaching).

I think it is important to create an pleasant learning environment, because children are able to learn better if they are supported and patiently helped if they have a problem.

questions: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:49 So 16.11.2008
Autor: reverend

Super, das sieht gleich viel freundlicher aus.
So viel Text ist es nicht, den Du jetzt blau markiert hast.
Ich komme wahrscheinlich aber erst am späten Abend dazu, sorry.
So schlecht ist es insgesamt übrigens gar nicht, aber das sagte ich, glaube ich, schon.

questions: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:28 So 16.11.2008
Autor: reverend

Ich lasse die schwarzen Textteile mal ganz aus, sonst wird der Post so lang...

petapahns Hinweis auf "many experience" ist richtig. Ich vermute hier aber nur einen Tippfehler, ein fehlendes s am Nomen: many experiences. Außerdem liest sich der Absatz sonst sehr englisch, und Du hast ihn nicht blau markiert.

> 2)What intelligences does Gardner speak about?
> It is important that work in classroom is devised and
> constructed hier würde ich lieber "planned and deliberated" nehmen,

wenn du gründlich geplant und durchdacht meinst

so that every child can take part and make progress.

Der folgende Absatz sieht so aus, als hätte er auch blau sein sollen, jedenfalls ist er nicht von jemandem mit Englisch als Muttersprache geschrieben worden:

> I (aAs a prospective teacher, I have to pay attention to
> these childrens' intelligences of the children in order to be able to put them to use. I can also use these
> intelligences.
Diese Verbesserung ist eher eine stilistische. Deine Sätze sind nicht falsch. For instance, I could make a week-scheduled,
> a project or many different learning stations for learning (feststehender Fachbegriff): Children
> should choose which parts (stations) of them they want to
> do deal with. It is important to use different media.
> I can make children to my assistants.
> The topics should be attractive to the children.
> 3)What does ZPD mean and what is it all about?
> ZPD means “zone of proximal development” and it emphasises
> the quality of interaction under adult leadership or in
> teamwork with or capable peers.

Da fehlt etwas. Ich sehe zwei Möglichkeiten: ...or in teamwork [u]with each other or with[u] capable peers. /// ...or in teamwork with or without capable peers.

> 4)What does “scaffolding” mean?
> “Scaffolding” (Gerüst) is the nur eine Person: Jerome Bruner Bruners’s interpretation of
> ZPD. It is a metaphor to describe the intervention by one
> “learned” person in the learning of another.
> [“Scaffolding” is the support of a “learnt” person (who has
> learnt something before) to another person, who has to
> learn it/something.]
> Scaffolding: “It is a structure of metal poles and wooden
> boards put against a building for workers to stand on when
> they want to reach the higher parts of the building.”
> 6)Who speaks about a “tool kit of culture” and what is it?
> Vygotsky speaks about a “tool kit of culture” where the
> concepts and meanings the child acquires in the mother
> tongue arise from the culture by which the child is
> surrounded. === was heißt das????? Vygotsky spricht von einem "Werkzeugkasten der Kultur", in dem die Begriffe und Bedeutungen, die das Kind in der Muttersprache erwirbt, aus der Kultur hervorgehen, von der das Kind umgeben ist.
> Children learn from the culture by which they are
> surrounded.?

(...) (...)>

> Pitch input within the zone of proximal development: Young
> learners should not be confronted with oversimplified
> language. They should be educated at the level they are.
> sprachlich korrekt. inhaltlich sowieso
> Plan meaningful and purposeful activities within a clear,
> familiar context: Children need to be working within clear,
> familiar contexts and for the interaction to be meaningful
> and purposeful to them. == was heißt das?

Kinder müssen in klaren, vertrauten Kontexten arbeiten, damit die Interaktion bedeutungsreich und zweckmäßig für sie wird.

> Help learners to become more independent and autonomous: It
> is important for young learners to become active
> participants in the learning process to create their own
> understandings and meanings. They should become independent
> bit by bit. Ist das von Dir? Fehlerlos!

Der folgende Absatz sollte doch bestimmt auch blau sein, oder?

> I have chosen this principle because I think that without
> this principle it, English learning das wäre die englische Art des Lernens. Englisch, also die Sprache, lernen heißt "learning English" can’t work. If teachers
> expect too much (or too less little) of the children, they won’t
> be motivated to learn. It is important to create an
> anxiety-free atmosphere in the classroom.

Und später sehen noch zwei Absätze bläulich aus...

> I have chosen this principle because it is motivating for
> young learners to be actively involved. Children learn a
> foreign language by doing something with the language. (by
> singing a song, by playing games…)

(...) (...)

> I think it is important to create an pleasant learning
> environment, because children are able to learn better if
> they are supported and patiently helped if they have a
> problem.

Soweit eine doch nicht so schnelle Grobkorrektur Deiner Vorlage. Ich hoffe, Du kannst mit den ganzen Unter- und Durchstreichungen und dem Farbwirrwarr etwas anfangen.

Nachfragen: gerne. Ich bin in den nächsten Tagen aber oft länger nicht "on", und auch ansonsten gut ausgebucht. Wird also keine längere Korrektur vor etwa Ende der Woche sein können.
Alles Gute!

questions: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:55 So 16.11.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
mir sind zwei Kleinigkeiten aufgefallen, bei denen ich mir ziemlich, aber eben nicht absolut, sicher bin, dass die anders sein müssten:

>  > I (aAs a prospective teacher, I have to pay attention to

> > these childrens'(müsste das Apostroph nicht vor das "s", weil children doch bereits Mehrzahl ist?) intelligences of the children in order to
> be able to put them to use.

> > Help learners to become more independent and autonomous:
> It
> > is important for young learners to become active
> > participants in the learning process to create their
> own understandings and meanings. (gehe ich recht in der Annahme, dass hier "Meinungen" gemeint sein sollen? - dann sollte "opinions" hin statt "meaning" - was ja "Bedeutung / Sinn" heißt)

Soweit ebenfalls auf die Schnelle und ohne Garantie.

Schönen Gruß

questions: children's
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:12 So 16.11.2008
Autor: reverend

Klar, das Apostroph gehört hier vor das s.

Bei den meanings hatte ich den Eindruck, dass es tatsächlich um Bedeutungen geht. Aber Du hast völlig Recht, darauf hinzuweisen, mmhkt. Danke jedenfalls für beide Hinweise.

Ein klassischer "false friend":
Meinung = opinion
meaning = Bedeutung

questions: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:25 So 16.11.2008
Autor: petapahn

Ich denke, du solltest lieber "a lot of experience" schreiben, denn many experience gibts nicht. der erste abschnitt ist sonst gut.

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