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Forum "Grammatik" - question and answer
question and answer < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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question and answer: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:14 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: suzan

hallöchen zusammen,

Michael and Sheila talk about the future. Make direct questions and answers:

1. Where/you/would/go next year if you had a lot of money?
- Where would you go next year if you had a lot of money?

2. Well/I/not to go to America.I/to visit an African country.
- Well wouldn't go to America. I would visit an African country.

3. Where/you/not to go for a year even if your boss told you to.
- Where would you not to go for a year if your boss told you to.

4. I/not to know.I/ not to go to South America for a year perhaps.
- I wouldn't to know. I wouldn't go to South America for a year perhaps.

5. But why/you/not to go there?I must be fantastic.
- But why would you will not to go there?I must be fantastic.

6. I think it/to be too hot for me.
- I think it would be too hot for me.

ist das ok so?


question and answer: Antwort (fehlerhaft)
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 11:36 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: milky-way

> hallöchen zusammen,

Hallo! ;-)

> Michael and Sheila talk about the future. Make direct
> questions and answers:

1. Where/you/would/go next year if you had a lot of money?
  - Where would you go next year if you had a lot of money?
2. Well/I/not to go to America.I/to visit an African
- Well   I wouldn't go to America. I would visit an African
3. Where/you/not to go for a year even if your boss told
you to.
- Where would you not to go for a year if your boss told
you to.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob man "would you not to go" schreiben kann... Ich wuerde den Satz folgendermassen formulieren: Where wouldn't you go...  
4. I/not to know.I/ not to go to South America for a year
- I wouldn't to know.   I don't know waere passender, denn du weisst ja jetzt nicht, wohin du nicht gehen wuerdest. Dein Satz ist auch ok, es bedeutet einfach, dass du auch in Zukunft nicht wuesstest wohin du nicht gehen wuerdest.
Perhaps I wouldn't go to South America for a

5. But why/you/not to go there?I t must be fantastic.
- But why would n't you go there?I   t must be fantastic.
So, der Rest duerfte stimmen.
LG, milky-way

question and answer: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:49 So 02.10.2005
Autor: Phoebe

> hallöchen zusammen,
> Michael and Sheila talk about the future. Make direct
> questions and answers:
> 1. Where/you/would/go next year if you had a lot of money?
>  - Where would you go next year if you had a lot of money?
> 2. Well/I/not to go to America.I/to visit an African
> country.

  - Well I wouldn't go to America. I would visit an African

> 3. Where/you/not to go for a year even if your boss told
> you to.

  - Where wouldn't you go for a year even if your boss told
you to.

> 4. I/not to know.I/ not to go to South America for a year
> perhaps.

  - I don't know. I wouldn't go to South America for a
year perhaps.

> 5. But why/you/not to go there?I must be fantastic.

  - But why wouldn't you go there?It must be

> 6. I think it/to be too hot for me.
>  - I think it would be too hot for me.
> ist das ok so?
> LG
>  Suzan

question and answer: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:46 Mo 03.10.2005
Autor: milky-way

hallo phoebe,
Unsere antworten sind ja nahezu gleich. Bist du dir aber sicher, dass das perhaps in satz 4 am ende stehen muss?
Lg, milky-way

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