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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - mini-book
mini-book < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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mini-book: Korrektur?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:02 So 28.03.2010
Autor: little.bubble

auch hier wäre es seeeeehr nett, wenn jemand einen Blick darauf wirft!

Mini-books are quite simple with images that should appeal to young children and words that young children should be able to read themselves.
¨linguistic skills: understanding a series of instructions and transposing them into a doing; repeating the keywords; writing the keywords in the correct way (correct spelling)
¨cognitive, motor and social skills:;  training fine motor skills by cutting out, drawing and sticking; repeating the plot of the story

Hand out the mini-book copies. Each child gets one of it. Explain what the children have to do. Prepare one page after the other one.
o)On page 1 the children see the title of the book. They should colour the picture.
o)On page 2 – 12 the children should fill in the correct words of the animals they can see on the picture. Further they should colour the pictures.  
Write the words the children have to fill in on the board. They should write them in the gaps with a pencil because it easier to correct/repair it if there are mistakes.
Check together with the children if they have the correct fill-ins.
When the children have finished filling in the words and colouring the pictures, they should write the number of the page in the bottom right hand corner. Pay attention to the correct writing (number “1”).
Give further instructions:
o)Cut out the little pages.
o)Glue them in the correct order on the folded book. (Show who to glue the pages on the folded book.)
o)Try to read your self-made mini-book.
The children should repeat the story by looking at the pictures and by reading the sentences.

mini-book: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:36 So 28.03.2010
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
einige Anmerkungen und Voschläge:

> Mini-books are quite simple with images that should appeal
> to young children and words that young children should be
> able to read themselves. (m.E. kann das "themselves" entfallen)
>  ¨linguistic skills: understanding a series of
> instructions and transposing them into a doing; (mir erscheint "action" passender) repeating
> the keywords; writing the keywords in the correct way
> (correct spelling)
>  ¨cognitive, motor and social skills:;  training fine
> motor skills (in einem deiner Beiträge gab es doch schon einmal eine Anmerkung wegen der "Feinmotorik", da hieß es anders als "fine" - was hat sich denn da ergeben?) by cutting out, drawing and sticking;
> repeating the plot of the story
> Introduction:
>  Hand out the mini-book copies. Each child gets one of it.
> Explain what the children have to do. Prepare one page
> after the other one. (das letzte "one" kannst Du weglassen, "one after the other" entspricht "eine nach der anderen")
> o)On page 1 (Zahlen sollten doch eigentlich ausgeschrieben werden, jedenfalls die kleinen) the children see the title of the book. They
> should colour the picture. (hier und auch nachfolgend hast Du "should" verwendet, dort wo Du "sollen" meinst: should = sollten / shall = sollen)
>  o)On page 2 – 12 the children should fill in the correct
> words (vielleicht besser "names") of the animals they can see in the picture. (statt "they can see" könnte auch einfach "shown" passen) Further
> they should colour the pictures.  
> Write the words the children have to fill in on the board.
> They should write them in the gaps with a pencil because it is
> easier to correct/repair it if there are mistakes.
> Check together with the children if they have the correct
> fill-ins.
> When the children have finished filling in the words and
> colouring the pictures, they should write the number of the
> page in the bottom right hand corner. ("hand" kannst Du m.E. hier weglassen) Pay attention to the
> correct writing (number “1”).
> Give further instructions:
>  o)Cut out the little pages.
>  o)Glue them in the correct order on the folded book. (Show
> who how to glue the pages on the folded book.)
>  o)Try to read your self-made mini-book.
>  The children should repeat the story by looking at the
> pictures and by reading the sentences.

Soweit fürs erste - wie üblich ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Schönen Restsonntag

mini-book: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:22 So 28.03.2010
Autor: little.bubble

Vielen Dank!
Das mit Feinmotorik > wurde im Forum mit „fine motor“ übersetzt...Auch der E-Prof. hat dies nicht ausgebessert.
Gilt dies mit „should“ und „shall“ immer? Diesbezüglich kenne ich mich anscheinend zu wenig aus!??? Wie gilt die Regel dazu?
sehr nett!

mini-book: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:00 So 28.03.2010
Autor: pythagora


> Das mit Feinmotorik > wurde im Forum mit „fine motor“ übersetzt...Auch der > E-Prof. hat dies nicht ausgebessert.

Also ich kenne für Feinmotorik zwei begriffe:
- fine motor skills
- Minute motor activity
aber mehr kann ich dazu leider auch nicht sagen...

> Gilt dies mit „should“ und „shall“ immer?

Jap, so wie mmhkt schon gesagt hat, schreibst du für sollten  --> should und für  sollen --> shall

sonst ist alles ok^^


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