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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - letter of application
letter of application < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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letter of application: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:54 So 28.01.2007
Autor: Landlieber

Peter Street 5
7689 Köln
28 January

Claire Balmer
42 Thomas Street

Dear Madam,
I read you ad in the local newspaper and would like to apply for the job as full-time secretary.As you will see from the attached CV I  hvae GCSE in English an German and can speak both languages fluenty. I can use World and Exel very well. Im confident and friendly on the phone. Working with the phone is very interesting. Im the right person for the job because working from home is great. You have no traffic you get out of bed and can work. I think flexible working hours are great.
The job would be right for me because I like working frome home and talking with people on the phone.

I would be grateful for the chance to meet you at an interview and look forword to hearing from you.

Your faithfully

Peter Hans

Wir schreiben morgen eine Arbeit über Bewerbungen und ich wollte mal wissen ob dieser letter of application so richtig ist.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt

letter of application: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:33 So 28.01.2007
Autor: Iduna

Hallo Landlieber!

so, bevor ich deine Bewerbung korrigiere, erstmal nen paar gute Tipps:

Bei einem "letter of application" musst du immer darauf achten, dass du nicht umgangssprachlich schreibst, sondern förmlich.
z.B. musst du "I am" statt "I'm" schreiben oder bei einer Verneinung immer die Wörter ausschreiben, also nicht verkürzen.

ein anderer Tipp ist, dass du auf die Endungen achten musst. Am besten lies dir deinen Text danach nochmal durch und schau, ob auch alle Endungen richtig sind, weil du oft welche weglässt.

Nun zu deinem text:

Heißt deine Straße wirklich so?   --->      Peter Street 5
                                            7689 Köln
                                            28 January 2007

Claire Balmer
42 Thomas Street


Dear Madam,

I read your advertisement/insertion in the local newspaper and I would like to apply for the job as full-time secretary. As you will see from the attached CV, I  have GCSE in English and German and so I can speak both languages fluenty. Furthermore I can use World and Exel
very well. I am confident and friendly on the phone. Working with the phone is very interesting. I am the right person for the job because working from home is great. You have no traffic, you get out of bed and can work. I think flexible working hours are great. The job would be right for me because I like working from home and talking with people on the phone.


I would be grateful for the chance to meet you at an interview and look forword to hearing from you.

> Your faithfully

Peter Hans


so, noch nen andrer Tipp:

zwischendurch kannste ruhig mal solche wörter wie "weiterhin, desweiteren" etc. benutzen sprich: "furthermore", "in addition", "moreover"

so, hoffe ich konnte dir etwas helfen!

Dann wünsch ich dir mal viel Glück für die Lk!
du schaffst das! ;-)

Liebe Grüße

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