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Forum "Grammatik" - done or not done
done or not done < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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done or not done: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 07:11 Do 29.09.2005
Autor: suzan

guten morgen zusammen,

Please write down what Sheila would have done or not done if she had stayed in Scotland and not come to Chesterfield.

If Sheila had stayed in Scotland

1. not to move to Chesterfield
- She wouldn't have moved to Chesterfield.

2. not to meet Michael
- She wouldn't have met to Michael.

3. to earn less money
- She would have to earn less money.

4. not to get the job at the job centre
- She wouldn't have get to the job at the job centre.

5. to visit her Scottish friends often
- She would have to visit her Scottish friends often.

6. to see her parents every week
- She would have to see her parents every week.

ist das ok?


done or not done: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:13 Do 29.09.2005
Autor: kruder77

Guten Morgen

> Please write down what Sheila would have done or not done
> if she had stayed in Scotland and not come to
> Chesterfield.
> If Sheila had stayed in Scotland
> 1. not to move to Chesterfield
>  - She wouldn't have moved to Chesterfield.
> 2. not to meet Michael
>  - She wouldn't have met to Michael.
> 3. to earn less money
>  - She would have to earn less money.
> 4. not to get the job at the job centre
>  - She wouldn't have get to the job at the job centre.
> 5. to visit her Scottish friends often
>  - She would have to visit her Scottish friends often.
> 6. to see her parents every week
>  - She would have to see her parents every week.
> ist das ok?

Fast ok...


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