contemporary youth is dull and < Sonstiges (Englisch) < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
wir sollen einen Leserbrief bzw ein Comment zu folgendem schreiben:
"By the 90's proper grown-ups hat started to complain that contemporary youth were dull and conformist."
Ich hab bisher:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I just read the article "This thing called youth culture" in the Guardian from 18 december 1999.
In my opinion it's totally not right to say that the contemporary youth is dull and conformist.
Maybe it is right that primarily styles come into fashion which have been there before. But you can't say that the youth is dull because there are also new things which haven't been there before....
Irgendwie fallen mir keine guten Argumente für den text ein =( Hat jemand irgendwelche Ideen?
Würd mich freuen
Hallo Summer,
Zu deiner Frage :
Ich hab bisher:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have just read the article "This thing called youth culture" (published) in the Guardian on December 18, 1999.
In my opinion it is (keine short forms !) definitely not right to say/besser claim, argue.. that the contemporary youth was dull and conformist.
Maybe it is right that primarily(?) styles come into fashion which have occured before. But you cannot say/besser claim that the youth was (indirekte Rede) dull because there are also new things which have not existed before....
Irgendwie fallen mir keine guten Argumente für den text ein =( Hat jemand irgendwelche Ideen?
Lass dir was einfallen ! Z.B.:
- Youth need to find their own ways in a far more complex society
- Nowadays, a lot more is demanded from youth-> pressure to succeed is higher, etc.
Ich hoffe das hilft dir weiter .