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Forum "Sonstiges (Englisch)" - application Bewerbung
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application Bewerbung: Suche
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:24 So 25.06.2006
Autor: FireSimon

Erstelle eine Bewerbung an Firma "xy" mit Briefkopf und allem drum und dran.


wir sollen für morgen /Montag) für die Arbeit lernen eine Bewerbung zu erstellen. Kann mir da einer mal auf English so vom aufbau her eine schreiben oder schicken was drinne sein sollte ist warum man den job gerne machen würde. Wo man die anzeigeschreiben gefunden hat. etc.


Gruß Simon

application Bewerbung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:27 So 25.06.2006
Autor: Josef

Hallo FireSimon,

Sample Letter

311 Nestor Street
West Lafayette, IN 47902

June 6, 1998

Ms. Christine Rennick
Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis, Inc.
P.O. Box 233
Gulltown, MD 21038

Dear Ms. Rennick:

Dr. Saul Wilder, a consultant to your firm and my Organizational Management professor, has informed me that Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis is looking for someone with excellent communications skills, organizational experience, and leadership background to train for a management position. I believe that my enclosed resume will demonstrate that I have the characteristics and experience you seek. In addition, I'd like to mention how my work experience last summer makes me a particularly strong candidate for the position.

As a promoter for Kentech Training at the 1997 Paris Air Show, I discussed Kentech's products with marketers and sales personnel from around the world. I also researched and wrote reports on new product development and compiled information on aircraft industry trends. The knowledge of the aircraft industry I gained from this position would help me analyze how Aerosol products can meet the needs of regular and prospective clients, and the valuable experience I gained in promotion, sales, and marketing would help me use that information effectively.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these and other qualifications with you. If you are interested, please contact me at (317) 555-0118 any morning before 11:00 a.m., or feel free to leave a message. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the ways my skills may best serve Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis.

Sincerely yours,

First Lastname

Enclosure: resume


Viele Grüße

application Bewerbung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:31 So 25.06.2006
Autor: Josef


(print Letter of Application on personal stationery)

1450 Vanguard Rd.
Apt. 2550
Bulverde TX 78163

November 20, 2004
Mr. Frank Hopkins
Director, Sales and Marketing
Mountain Electronics Inc.
Denver, CO 80222

Dear Frank Hopkins:

Please regard this as an application for the position of District Sales Manager that was recently advertised on

Based on the requirements stated in the ad, I believe that I possess a unique mix of experience, knowledge, and skills that can definitely help your company in the critical customer service area.

Experience, skills, and abilities that I can offer your company include:

    * 20 years of experience in the sales and marketing, 6 of those in sales management;
    * Selling services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets;
    * A record of consistently meeting or exceeding sales quotas;
    * Extensive team management and team building experience;
    * Excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management concepts and techniques;
    * Ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment.

The enclosed resume provides more details on the above, as well as on other experience, skills, and abilities that I possess.

I am confident that my ability to develop and maintain strong relationships with customers will benefit Mountain Electronics Inc. as it has my previous employers. I believe that my excellent record of success in closing sales, winning back customers from competitors, and increasing market share, clearly demonstrates my proven ability to meet and resolve customer challenges and add to a company's bottom-line.

After you've reviewed my resume, I would welcome an opportunity to discuss your company's goals and talk to you about the value that I can bring to MEI. Let's talk soon!

If I haven't heard from you by early December I will contact your office to see if we can set up an appointment at your convenience.


Alan Gustafson



Viele Grüße

application Bewerbung: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:00 So 25.06.2006
Autor: FireSimon


kann man da einen einfachen draus basteln und den auf Deutsch überstzen?

application Bewerbung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:26 So 25.06.2006
Autor: Josef


I would like to apply for the post of ... which you advertised in the current edition of ..

hiermit möchte ich mich um die Stelle als ... bewerben, die Sie in der letzten Ausgabe von .. annonciert haben.

I am 18 years old and due to take my scholl leaving exams this July.

Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und werde dieses Jahr im Juli meine Schulabschlußprüfung haben.

I have had some experience as a ... through vacation job.

Durch Ferienjobs habe ich einige Erfahrungen als ...

I enclose a CV and would be happy to forward copies of my certificates, references and any other information you might require.

Ich lege meinen Lebenslauf bei und bin gern bereit, Ihnen Kopien meiner Zeugnisse, Referenzen und sonstige Informationen, die Sie benötigen sollten zuzuschicken.

I would be happy to come for an interview at any time that is convenient to you.

Ich wäre gern bereit, zu einem von Ihnen genannten Zeitpunkt zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch  zu erscheinen.

Viele Grüße

application Bewerbung: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:51 So 25.06.2006
Autor: FireSimon

Übersetzten English Deutsch


kann mir einer mal folgenden Text übersetzen habe das gefühl das dermorgen in der Arbeit dran kommt:

All weekend I was Trying out different smiles. Then Monday morning came, and I set off from home with my shoulders back, my head in the air, and a big smile on my face - until I got round the corner of  the street. Then when I knewno one couldsee me, I put my hands in my pockets, and walked along in my usal way. I thought of all my friends that I had left at school and I envided them their Maths and English and Geography and History. I suddenly relized what a happy life I had left, and what a hard world I had moved into. Then thought of my other freinds who hade gone to work in the factory; they didn`t have to smile, they didn't have to hold their shoulders back, or any of that silly rubbish.


application Bewerbung: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:20 Di 27.06.2006
Autor: matux

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