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Zum korrigieren: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 10:48 Sa 18.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Montag attempts to understand the book he read is compare with a recollection in his childhood. He tried to fill a sieve with sand. But in the same time the sand drops. This express his unability to understand and memorise the book information.

They hope after the subversion, the public will restore the interest in books.

In the same way as the war approach, Montag inner turmoil intensifies .

A topic that is mentioned permanently in the novel is Identity. Through our individual way of thinking, acting, beliefs, we create our own identity. An identity which is unique on this world. That we have the ability to form our own identity we need freedom. Exactly this freedom is in that society limited trough governments measures, that banish the people to lead an independent life. By using the example of Mildred you can see the people alienate from themselves. She can’t remember when and where she meets her husband the first time or what purpose of life he has. Her self-deception seems to be extinguished.

to hold a view Ist das wirklich gutes Englisch? (Eine Ansicht vertreten)

Through the character of Jack and his tribe he establishes a conncetion (eine Verbindugn herstellen?) to militarism and totalitarianism. The ideology of militarism holds the view that you can ensure security and peace by showing militaristic strength.

Fahrenheit and Brave new World are very similar when you compare the themes with which the books deal. (kann ich das “with which” verhindern?). But their ending is very different. After the War took place and destroyed all elements of this manipulated and superficial society the book people can build up a new world according their beliefs. The reader is persuaded the new society will return to a real life by reading books, have serious conversation etc. Therefore the reader is very optimistic (about) the futuristic society.
Different in BNW, where John can’t see another option than to kill himself. His attempts to lead a real life are failed because the BNW shows …

Vielen Dank

Zum korrigieren: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Fr 24.07.2009
Autor: matux

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