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Zum korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:15 Fr 05.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Wieder mal etas kleines zum Korrigieren

She reacts on the problem situation in a common way, by taking Soma.
John has only the choice between two bad world.

In the first three chapters the main characters are introduced. With the help of the guidance through the condition centre, the reader come in touch with the reproduction of the population and learns how the system functions.

In the following chapters Bernard, Lenina and Helmholtz stand in the centre. Lenina and Bernard fall in love with each other, but they have difference conceptions of affection and love.
John and Linda have the chance to return to the Brave New world and are very hopeful how they live in the BNW want to be.
Bernard uses the director’s abnormal behaviour for his own advantage/benefit. He has to resign after the public hears about his son. Therewith Bernard can avert his .
Lenina and John doesn’t find together, because John understand under a relationship a romantic and durable close relationship.

Gruss Dinker

Zum korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:49 Fr 05.06.2009
Autor: fabba

> Hallo
>  Wieder mal etas kleines zum Korrigieren
> She reacts on the problem situation in a common way, by
> taking Soma.

to react to something
"the problem" oder "the situation", nicht beides. Oder aber "problematic situation"

> John has only the choice between two bad world.

only has (has only ist ne betonte Form. Er hat nichts anderes, außer. Könnte man hier natürlich auch verwenden)
two: Mehrzahl -> worlds

> In the first three chapters the main characters are
> introduced.

Normalerweise ein Komma: In the first three chapters, the main characters are introduced.

> With the help of the guidance through the
> condition centre, the reader come in touch with the
> reproduction of the population and learns how the system
> functions.

the reader: Einzahl -> comes in touch
Hab was gegen "the system functions", aber keine objektive Begründung. Alternativ zB: works / how this is achieved
Dann versteh ich nich, was der Satz aussagt. Der Leser lernt, wie sich die Bevölkerung reproduziert? Aufklärungsbuch? (Wenn ja: Menschen reproduzieren sich, die Bevölkerung kann wachsen [grow, increase])

> In the following chapters Bernard, Lenina and Helmholtz
> stand in the centre.

Wieder eine Adverbialbestimmung, die sich auf den ganzen Satz bezieht -> In the following chapters - Komma - Bernhard, ...
"stand in the centre" = in der Mitte stehen. Wörtlich, ohne die symbolische Bedeutung, die's im Deutschen gibt. Alternativen zB: ... are the main topic/subject / the story focuses on ...

> Lenina and Bernard fall in love with
> each other, but they have difference conceptions of
> affection and love.

different (adj.; difference = Subst.) conceptions
conceptions? Nicht falsch, aber "ideas" würde's auch tun ;)

>  John and Linda have the chance to return to the Brave New
> world and are very hopeful how they live in the BNW want to
> be.

Bis hopeful kann ich folgen, dann ergibt's für mich etwa so viel Sinn wie die wörtliche Übersetzung (sind sehr hoffnungsvoll wie sie leben in der BNW sein wollen)

> Bernard uses the director’s abnormal behaviour for his own
> advantage/benefit.

Director? Regisseur? Weiß ja nicht, worum's geht, ich sag ja nur... ;)
to his own advantage/for his own benefit - passt beides

> He has to resign after the public hears
> about his son.

> Therewith Bernard can avert his .

Ich hätt beinahe gesagt "therewith" ist Unsinn, aber anscheinend existiert das Wort sogar ;) "Thus" (mit anschließendem Komma. Was auch zu therewith gehören würde, s.o.) wäre meine Wahl
Was er dadurch Abwenden kann, kann ich Dir aber auch nicht sagen

> Lenina and John doesn’t find together, because John
> understand under a relationship a romantic and durable
> close relationship.

He, she, it, ein s muss mit. Lenina and John = Mehrzahl -> don't find together (zusammenfinden. Zusammenkommen = get together)
John = Einzahl -> understands
understand-en tut man nicht "under" etwas. to understand something as/to be something. Meine Wahl wäre "expect from": John expects romance and lasting (durable klingt wie Batterien ;]) closeness from a relationship.

> Danke
>  Gruss Dinker

Sure. Hope it helps

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