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Zum Korrigieren: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:04 Di 16.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Huxley gives the figure well-know names, like Marx, Ford and Mustapha. That hints at (points out) his sceptical.towards extreme scientists, politician.
Remarkable (ist adj?) is that the narrator use constantly cites from Shakespeares works. In my opinion these cites serve a counterweight to the pushy Brave new World rhymes.

The identity is abolished because humans are a product of a tube.    

besten Dank

Zum Korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:32 Di 16.06.2009
Autor: Arcesius


> Hallo
> Huxley gives the figure well-know names, like Marx, Ford
> and Mustapha. That hints at (points out) his
> sceptical.towards extreme scientists, politician.
>  Remarkable (ist adj?) is that the narrator use constantly
> cites from Shakespeares works. In my opinion these cites
> serve a counterweight to the pushy Brave new World rhymes.
> The identity is abolished because humans are a product of a
> tube.    
> besten Dank

Meine Vorschläge bzw. Ergänzugen markiere ich rot:

Huxley gives the figure well-known names to his characters, like Marx, Ford
and (or) Mustapha. That hints at (points out) denotes / indicates his
sceptical scepticism towards extreme scientists , or politicians.
Remarkable is that the narrator uses constantly
cites citations / quotations from Shakespeare's works. In my opinion these cites citations / quotations
serve (give? / offer?) a counterweight to the pushy (heavy? / abrasive?)Brave new World rhymes.

The identity (of the BNW people) is abolished because humans are a the product of a
tube (manufactory?).  

Hoffe dies hilft dir weiter... Teils sind die Vorschläge so gewählt wie ich denke, dass sie zum Kontext im Buch besser passen.

Grüsse, Amaro

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