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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Zeitformen
Zeitformen < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Zeitformen: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:29 Di 21.02.2012
Autor: Windbeutel

Schreibe eine Kurzgeschichte.

meine Aufgabestellung war es eine Kurzgeschichte zum thema "Verbrechen" zu schreiben. Da ich mit der Verwendung der Zeitformen rießige Probleme hofffe ich, dass sich jemand findet der mal über meine Sätze drüberschaut.
Ich setze hier nur die Sätze rein bei denen ich unsicher bin, dahinter schreibe ich warum ich die jeweilige Zeitform gewählt habe.
Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.

The young man was holding his side in pain, his other hand was holding a gun, pointing at the old lady (Past progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)

Slowly she went to the small kitchen which once had been fitting in by her husband in the small garden shed ( Past perfect progressive : action began in the past, the result is visible now)

The young man sat down, was lowering the gun and was exhailing hard when he felt the sharp pain in his side (Past progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)

She was laying her small bag on the kitchen table and started to bandaged his wound (Past progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)

He looked down on her head while the old lady treated him.
( Past progressive : two actions run at the same time)

...he mumbled while he was eating.
(Past progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)

He was pushing the plate away after he had finished his meal.
(Past progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)
( Past perfect simple . Action taht took place one time before in the past ( A story is always in the past))

He wa collapsing and was knocking over the kitchen table.
( Past perfect progressive : two actions run at the same time)

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

Zeitformen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:50 Di 21.02.2012
Autor: moody

> The young man was holding his side in pain, his other hand
> was holding a gun, pointing at the old lady (Past
> progressive: desribs background and attend circumstances)


> Slowly she went to the small kitchen which once had been
> fitting in by her husband in the small garden shed ( Past
> perfect progressive : action began in the past, the result
> is visible now)

Würde das Adverb nicht an den Satzanfang stellen: She went slowly...  
Desweiteren verstehe ich den Satz nicht wirklich.

> The young man sat down, was lowering the gun and was
> exhailing hard when he felt the sharp pain in his side
> (Past progressive: desribs background and attend
> circumstances)

Ist reines Sprachgefühl, würde es vielleicht damit erklären, dass er sich erst setzt und dann die Waffe senkt.

> She was laying her small bag on the kitchen table and
> started to bandaged his wound (Past progressive: desribs
> background and attend circumstances)

layed, ohne ING -> es dauert nicht lange das abzulegen
bandage, die Vergangeheit wird mit started ausgedrückt, ausserdem steht ein to davor -> infinitiv

> He looked down on her head while the old lady treated him.
>  ( Past progressive : two actions run at the same time)


> ...he mumbled while he was eating.
>  (Past progressive: desribs background and attend
> circumstances)


> He was pushing the plate away after he had finished his
> meal.
>  (Past progressive: desribs background and attend
> circumstances)

warum benutzt so viele ing formen?

>  ( Past perfect simple . Action taht took place one time
> before in the past ( A story is always in the past))
> He wa collapsing and was knocking over the kitchen table.
>  ( Past perfect progressive : two actions run at the same
> time)

collapsed und knocked

> Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

lg moody

Zeitformen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:02 Di 21.02.2012
Autor: mmhkt

kleine Ergänzung:

>  > Slowly she went to the small kitchen which once had been

> > fitting in by her husband in the small garden shed ( Past
> > perfect progressive : action began in the past, the result
> > is visible now)
>  Würde das Adverb nicht an den Satzanfang stellen: She
> went slowly...  
> Desweiteren verstehe ich den Satz nicht wirklich.

Das soll wohl heißen:
[...]kleine Küche, die einst von ihrem Ehemann/Gatten/Mann in den kleinen Gartenschuppen eingebaut worden war.

Dann müsste es allerdings "fitted in/into the small garden shed" (eingepasst) heißen.
"by her husband" würde ich dann eher an das Satzende stellen.

Schönen Gruß

Zeitformen: Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 08:55 Mi 22.02.2012
Autor: Windbeutel

Danke für deinen Hinweis. Ich werd dan mal die Satzstellung ändern

Zeitformen: Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 08:54 Mi 22.02.2012
Autor: Windbeutel

Danke dir für deine Hilfe. Ohne hätte ich mal wieder einige Fehler gemacht.

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