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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Violence in Society
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Violence in Society: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 23:31 Mo 14.12.2020
Autor: cheezy

Hallo liebes Forum,

kann mir bitte jemand mit sehr guten Englischkentnissen meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen korrekturlesen. Ich wäre auch sehr dankbar...

Ich habe im Mai Englischmatura-Prüfung und würde mich sehr freuen wenn jemand vll kurz Zeit hat.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Violence in Society

Do you agree with Mr Limbaugh who says that Hollywood movies like “Hunger Games” also have to be blamed for shootings?

I completely agree with that because the killing of people in these films has a big effect on the teenagers. The point is that these young people has too much testosterone and these films makes them more aggressive.

Do you think that universal background checks and tighter gun laws will reduce the number of killing sprees and school shootings in the US?

That’s what I´m also think too. If the gun laws are more controlled with stricter laws, the statistic of the dead people will decrease.

In your opinion, will US gun laws ever be changed?
Definitely not, because the arms lobbyist have a highly influence to the politicians. The arms lobbyist don’t want that the gun laws will be stricter, because their economic will suffer. So the lobbyist will fight for softer laws.

What would you suggest that should be done to address gun violence?
My experience has shown that the best way is to reach the population is through reader´s letter. The concerned People send their reader´s letter to the newspaper and this organisation publish it. The population will read the abuses and everybody will talk about this topic. This will also achieve the politicians.

Pair Work S.331
I´ll give up my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands.

The first slogan has for me the meaning that there is a outlaw state. Everyboy will kill each other if there is no law. In a state ruled with Anarchism, we will have this situation. The person, who has the most and quality arms is safe. The other who don’t have are not.

Guns don’t kill people, people do.

You don’t only need a weapon to kill people, a stone or a trap will also do that.

Group Work S.333
Are firearms legal in Austria? What do you have to order to get a firearm?

Firearms are in Austria illegal but you can get a firearm if you have a gun licence. You have to make a request by the district authority and you have to give them your documents such Passport, certificate of registration, photo identification and your psychological test. Then you will get a gun licence and with them you are allowed to possession guns.

Do you or does someone you know have a gun? What do they use it for?
I know a friend of me, who is a poacher and he bear shotguns for hunting the rabbits.

Do you know where you could buy a gun if you wanted one?
Exactly I don’t know the place but I see in the shops many.

Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: docx) [nicht öffentlich]
Violence in Society: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:15 Di 15.12.2020
Autor: Eisfisch

> Hallo liebes Forum,
> kann mir bitte jemand mit sehr guten Englischkentnissen
> meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen korrekturlesen. Ich wäre
> auch sehr dankbar...
> Ich habe im Mai Englischmatura-Prüfung und würde mich
> sehr freuen wenn jemand vll kurz Zeit hat.
> Mit herzlichen Grüßen
>  Violence in Society
> Do you agree with Mr Limbaugh who says that Hollywood
> movies like “Hunger Games” also have to be blamed for
> shootings?
> I completely agree with that because the killing of people
> in these films has a big effect on the teenagers. The point
> is that these young people has-have too much testosterone and
> these films makes>make them more aggressive.
> Do you think that universal background checks and tighter
> gun laws will reduce the number of killing sprees and
> school shootings in the US?
> That’s what I´m also think>ing too>also+too ist quasi doppelt gemoppelt 1 wort reicht. If the gun laws are more
> controlled with>by stricter laws, the statistic of the dead
> people will decrease.
> In your opinion, will US gun laws ever be changed?
>  Definitely not, because the arms lobbyist have a highly>high
> influence to the politicians. The arms lobbyist don’t
> want that the gun laws will be stricter, because their
> economic will suffer. So the lobbyist will fight for softer
> laws.
> What would you suggest that should be done to address gun
> violence?
>  My experience has shown that the best way is>streichen to reach the
> population is through>besser by  reader´s letter. The concerned
> People>p.. send their reader´s letter to the newspaper and
> this organisation publish>publishes it. The population will read the
> abuses??? and everybody will talk about this topic. This will
> also achieve the politicians.  insgesamt sehr schwache argumentation + nicht gur formuliert
> Pair Work S.331
>  I´ll give up my gun when you take it from my cold, dead
> hands.
> The first slogan has for me the meaning that there is a>an  
> outlaw state. Everyboy will kill each other if there is no
> law. In a state ruled with>by Anarchism,>a.. we will have this
> situation. The person, who has the most and quality arms is
> safe. The other who don’t have>has are>is not.  schöner letzter satz
> Guns don’t kill people, people do.
> You don’t only>streichen need a weapon>gun to kill people, a stone or a
> trap will also>streiche do that.>that also.  dieser satz geht NICHT auf den vorherigen ein  
> Group Work S.333
>  Are firearms legal in Austria? What do you have ?do to? to order
> to get a firearm?
> Firearms are in Austria illegal but you can get a firearm
> if you have a gun licence. ??? satz ist etwas unklar You have to make a request by
> the district authority and you have to give them your
> documents such +as Passport,>p..  certificate of registration, photo
> identification and your psychological test. Then you will>may?  
> get a gun licence and with them>this/it  you are allowed to
> possession>posess  guns.
> Do you or does someone you know have a gun? What do they
> use it for?
>  I know a friend of me, who is a poacher and he bear>bears he-she-it  
> shotguns for hunting the rabbits. vokabeln sind mir unbekannt
> Do you know where you could buy a gun if you wanted one?
>  Exactly I don’t know the place but I see +many in the shops
> many.>streichen   der satz ist ja wohl besc*: ich weiß nicht wo,aber ich sehe viele läden - wahrscheinlich meinst du es anders  

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