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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - The most important Invention
The most important Invention < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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The most important Invention: korrigieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:03 Mo 14.01.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

I think the important invention that humans ever made is electricity, because it helps in our life all the time. With them we have light that we can only turn up and down. But this is not all : We have electricity in machines, they help us to move in the morning, when you go to the bathroom first. The water come out with electricity or when you make coffeewith the coffee machine. It is around us all the time. It helps us a lot in our life and it is nice. If we didn t have electricity it would be so much harder. It changed the world because we can (bauen) houses for us to life in this and they help us to find new (Mittel) for (Krankheiten) with the (Geräten).

hallo ich bin es mal wieder Luisa und ich habe diesen Text geschrieben und könntet ihr bitte mal nachschauen ob die grammatik und rechtschreibung usw richtig ist denke hab ein paar fehler wäre echt super nett von euch. Vielen Dank Luisa

The most important Invention: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:01 Mo 14.01.2008
Autor: MontBlanc


> I think the important invention that humans ever made is
> electricity, because it helps in our life all the time.

I think the most important invention (hier vielleicht auch deiscovery für entdeckung) ever made by human beings is electricity, because it is still useful today and makes our daily lives more comfortable.

> With them we have light that we can only turn up and down.

Them ? Wieso "only" ?

> But this is not all : We have electricity in machines, they
> help us to move in the morning, when you go to the bathroom
> first.

Electricity ist nicht "them"... Höchsten "it"... Ich versteh den Sinn nicht ganz ? Was für Maschinen helfen morgen uns morgens ins Badezimmer zu kommen ?

> The water come out with electricity or when you make
> coffee with the coffee machine.

The water COMES (he, she, it das "s" muss mit). Ansonsten okay

> It is around us all the
> time.

We are surrounded by electricity every day.

> It helps us a lot in our life and it is nice.

It is very helpful . Die Wertung finde ich ehrlich gesagt etwas platt...

> If we
> didn t have electricity it would be so much harder.

If not for electricity our lives would be more uncomfortable...

> It
> changed the world because we can (bauen) houses for us to
> life in this and they help us to find new (Mittel) for
> (Krankheiten) with the (Geräten).

It changed the world because we gained the qualification of building houses to live in (Aber konnten sie das denn vorher nicht ?, vll. ...of building houses to live in more easily?). Furthermore it gives us possibilities in developing new medicaments.

>  hallo ich bin es mal wieder Luisa und ich habe diesen Text
> geschrieben und könntet ihr bitte mal nachschauen ob die
> grammatik und rechtschreibung usw richtig ist denke hab ein
> paar fehler wäre echt super nett von euch. Vielen Dank
> Luisa

Du solltest dir unbedingt mal Pronomen anschauen und die Sache mit dem "s" bei he, she, it.

Liebe Grüße,


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