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Forum "Lektüre" - The Smell of Apples
The Smell of Apples < Lektüre < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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The Smell of Apples: Analyse...
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:47 Mi 14.05.2008
Autor: yuppi

The way how Mrs.Erasmus speaing with Doreen and why?

Mrs Erasmus speaks with Doreen in a non emotional level. She appears to be very concerned what happened with Neville  but only on surface.The first thing what Mrs Erasmus asks Doreen is „Mum asks her how Little Neville is“ p.189 l 1
Normally Mrs Erasmus had to express one's condolences before she asks how Neville is .We can assume that there is no real compassion.
Her questions keep in a verbale level and are no real compassion.
I am sure if a black person had attacked a white child Marnus mother had a completely other opinion then when a black person was attacked by three racism white people.
I am sure the question which Marnus mother asks were completely other.For example when she asks „how she is feeling.“ (l. 7)
It is nice to hear the advice but it has no sense for her son Neville.She says that doreen have to „remains strong in her faith and as long as she knows that everything happend for some greater reason it will be easier to cope with the situatuon“(ll 11-14).The problem in this quotation is it does not happen for God (it was a natural happening) but the will of three racism white people.The cause wherefore she does not tell that she shall revenge because they hurted Neville is because she sees  Doreen not only as an employer but as representative of a politically and racially superior.Hence,Marnus`mother has the same attutude as his father.

Is it really a Christian`s moral obligation to forgive and forget ?

I think it is tottaly right to say forgive and forget is a christ moral obligation.If  we act on we can cope better with bad situations which happens in our live. The Christianity teach us that nobody has no failure and therefore we have to forgive and forget or we were living still in Stone Time.Now I want to devise wheter it is  in Doreens case a christian obligation or not.On my opinion it is not a Christians Obligation in Little Neville case.He was not attacked because he stole coal to make her mother a gift  but because she is black.So the Christians obligation trifft hier nich zu.So in that case it was not/IS NOT gods will but the terrible handle of racism white people.


In the following I am going to sum up the pages from 188 to 191 „ The Smell of Apples „ written by Mark Behr.
Marnus,Ilse and Marnus mother visit Doreen and her son Little Neville in a special hospital for black people because he was attacked from white people.Marnus mother tells Doreen in a non emotional level that she must try and be strong.Marnus descirbes the condition of the hospital for black people.When they take one`s leave and going home.Ilse tells her mother during the journey home that it better if Neville dies.So we an assume that Ilse has an completely other attitude as her mother.The other opinion of Ilse gets clear.

Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr schaut ob  im Text Inhaltliche und gramatikalische Fehler sind.Ich hoffe ihr kennt das Buch

    * Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

The Smell of Apples: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:20 Fr 16.05.2008
Autor: matux

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