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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Teenager and the danger of the
Teenager and the danger of the < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Teenager and the danger of the: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 15:35 Mi 16.04.2008
Autor: Summer1990

Hallo Leute
ich werde morgen ein referat zum Thema Teenagers and the danger of the Internet halten. Wäre super, wenn mir jemand meinen Text korrigieren könnte :)


Teenagers and the danger of the Internet

The Internet - an invention wich changed peoples' daily life for the first time in 90s. The Internet makes it easy to get information and it gives us the possibilities to communicate with people all over the world.
Today you can find a computer with internet access in almost every household - and it's mostly used by youths.

Teenagers of all ages use the Internet for several activities.
Wheter chatting with friends by Instant Messangers like ICQ or AIM which you all know; downloading movies or music or the search for information for school or other things: Teenagers are the main aim group (Hauptzielgruppe??)

But the Internet doesn't have only positive aspects: There are also a lot of dangers!

1. The first points I want to mention are cowerd charges and the spy out of personal data.
There are a lot of websites which seem to be for free but if you read the fine print you will see that the use is not for free. But most of the teenagers don't read this fine print and usw the site. Later the parents will get a calculation and mostly you can't do anything against this bills.
There are also a lot of websites which ask for the enter of personal data.
For different forums for exampel you have to enter your first and family name and sometimes even your address.
Most of the teenagers (--> denken sich nichts dabei, wenn sie diese Daten angeben!). They feel safe. But these websites aren't always safed across from attacks of thirds. Thereby criminell could absorb this information and use for their own intentions.
So you should be very careful if you enter your personal data or your bank data.

2. The next and worser point is, if the Internet get in false hands.
More fatal than the points I've already mentioned are violence and pornography.
The Internet is a free medium which you can regulate (---> welches man nur schwer oder gar nicht regulieren kann???).
Everybody is able to publish everything he wants to. But the danger in this connection is that people are also able to publish violent photos or scripts as soon as pornographic documents.
Furthermore there are a lot of people in chatrooms for exampel who pretend to be someone they aren't. Adults, who chat with young children or teenagers and claim they're also in this age. There are a lot of crimes where kids werde meeting their chatpartner because they thaught they would be in the same age but the chat-friend emerged as a criminal adult.

Finally I want to give you an up-to-date exampel for Internet Bullying:
In November 2007 the press made the fall of the 13 year old Megan Meier publish.
Megan was fall in love with a teenager named Josh. She knew this boy only from a chatroom in the Internet. The chatpartner was very friendlich in the beginning bute anytime he begun to affront ant to abuse her. Hereupon Megan commit suicide in her parents' house.
The tragedy in this case is that Josh never really existed. It was only a old school friend of Megan who wanted to get her one's own back because of an old argument.

I Think this exampel tells you what the Internet can arrange in the false peoples' hands.

In the end I will play an extract of an interview from Megans Mom.

Teenager and the danger of the: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:20 Fr 18.04.2008
Autor: matux

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