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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Othello/Pitch black
Othello/Pitch black < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Othello/Pitch black: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:25 Mo 05.05.2008
Autor: LaBella

Jaa ich bin schon wieder :-/ aber es wäre echt dringend...hab morgen meine schriftliche Englisch matura und und noch ganz kurz die Inhalte von zwei Theaterstücken zusammengefasst....weil ich aber in Summary schreiben sehr schlecht bin (besonders was das mit den Zeiten betrifft) würd ich euch bitten nochmal drüber zu gehen..!!
GLG und danke schon mal

The play „Picht black“ by Clive Duncan is a modern version of Sheakspeares Othello
in which the original sotry is transformed into our modern time.
The main issues of both plays are racism, jealousy, enviousness and interracial marriages.

The main character of Skeakspeares tragedy is the black general Othello.
Othello elopes with Desdemona because her father is against an official marriage.
Iago who´s also a member of the venetian defense forces is angry because he wasn´t named Lieutnant by Othello. In addition he´s also envious of Othello´s beautiful wife and so he declared his hatred for the black general.
At first he tries to convince Othello that Desdemona has an affair with the current lieutnant Cassio.
Othello becames very jealous and because he thinks that Desdemona had deveived him he decides to seek revenge and kills his innocent wife.  
After the murder Othello find out the truth.
Finally Othello wounds Iago with a stabe and then he commits suicide.  

The plot of “Pitch black” is nearly the same but only the location is another.
The main character of Clive Duncan´s play is called Donatello.
Donatello is just like Othello black and has just become England´s new footballmanager. His wife Mona works as a model and is not only beautiful but also half of his age.
Jago the defender of the english footballteam whos wish was an englisch man for the possition of the manager is very dissatisfied when he hears that the black Donatello is selected for this job.
But what makes Iago really angry is that Donatello choose Michael Cassio instead of him as team captain.
In addition he is envious of Donatello´s young and beautiful wife.
So he devices a plan for seeking revenge.
At first he made sure that Donatello looses his confidence in Michael Cassio as a player and than he tries to convince him that his wife has an affair with Cassio.
This made Donatello so jealous that he killes his innocent wife accusing her of betrayal.
During the same time Cassio finds out about Jago´s intrigues and informed Donatello about it. But its  too late. Mona is already dead.
Because of this serious mistake commits suicide.

Othello/Pitch black: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:27 Mo 05.05.2008
Autor: hallo56

The play “Pitch black“ by Clive Duncan is a modern version of Sheakspeares “Othello”
which is transformed into our modern time.
The main issues of both plays are racism, jealousy, enviousness and interracial marriages.

The main character of Skeakspeares tragedy is the black general Othello.
Othello elopes with Desdemona because her father is against an official marriage.
Iago who´s also a member of the venetian defense forces is angry because he wasn´t named Lieutnant by Othello. In addition he´s also envious of Othello´s beautiful wife and so he declared his hatred for the black general.
At first he tries to convince Othello that Desdemona has an affair with the current lieutnant Cassio.
Othello becomes very jealously and he thinks that Desdemona had deveived him, so he decides to seek revenge and kills his innocent wife.  
After this deed Othello finds out the truth. (What is the truth? You must mention it)
After Othello wounds Iago with a stabe (a what??), he finally commits suicide.  

The plot of “Pitch black” is nearly the same but only the location is differently.
The main character of Clive Duncan´s play is called Donatello.
Donatello is just like Othello black and has just become England´s new footballmanager. His wife Mona works as a model and is not only beautiful but also half of his age.
Jago the defender of the english footballteam who’s wish is an Englishman for the position of the manager is very dissatisfied when he hears that the black Donatello is selected for this job.
But what makes Iago really angry is that Donatello choose Michael Cassio instead of him as team captain.
In addition he is envious of Donatello´s young and beautiful wife.
So he devices a plan for seeking revenge.
At first he makes sure that Donatello loses his confidence in Michael Cassio as a player and then he tries to convince him that his wife has an affair with Cassio.
This makes Donatello so jealously that he killes his innocent wife accusing her of betrayal.
During the same time Cassio finds out about Jago´s intrigues and informes Donatello about it. But it is  too late. Mona is already dead.
Because of this serious mistake Donatello commits suicide.

Ich hab jetzt nur mal die groben Fehler verbessert. Ansonsten geht es. Zwar etwas dünn, aber schon ok.

Othello/Pitch black: Korrektur!
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:36 Di 27.05.2008
Autor: deception

Bevor irgendjemand noch die Zusammenfassung oder die "Korrektur" als Lernunterlage verwendet...

The play “Pitch black“ by Clive Duncan is a modern version of Shakespeare’s “Othello” which is just set in modern times. The main issues of both plays are racism, jealousy, envy and interracial marriages.

The main character of Shakespeare’s tragedy is the black general Othello. Othello elopes with Desdemona because her father is against an official marriage. Iago who’s also a member of the Venetian defense forces is angry because Othello didn’t name him Lieutenant. In addition he’s also envious of Othello’s beautiful wife and so he declared his hatred for the black general. He tries to convince Othello that Desdemona has an affair with the current lieutenant Cassio. Othello get very jealous and actually thinks that Desdemona had deceived him, so he decides to seek revenge and kills his innocent wife. After this deed Othello finds out the truth (nothing happened between them and Iago just tried to trick him into killing her [in order to get rid of him]) Othello finally wounds Iago in a fight and commits suicide.

The plot of “Pitch black” is quite similar, just location, time and the football stuff are different.
The main character of Clive Duncan’s play is called Donatello. Donatello is just like Othello black and has just become England’s new football manager. His wife Mona works as a model and is not only beautiful but also half of his age. Jago the defender of the English football team who’s wish is to have an Englishman for the position of the manager, is almost enraged (and not going to cope with that) when he hears that the black Donatello was elected for the job. But what makes Iago really angry is that Donatello chose Michael Cassio instead of him as team captain. In addition he is envious of Donatello’s young and beautiful wife. So he makes up a plan for seeking revenge.
At first he makes sure that Donatello loses his confidence in Michael Cassio as a player and then he tries to convince him that his wife has an affair with Cassio. (The handkerchief thing) This makes Donatello so jealous that he kills his innocent wife. At the same time Cassio finds out about Jago´s intrigues and informs Donatello. But when he reaches Donatello, Mona is already dead. Donatello commits suicide too.

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