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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrigieren
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Korrigieren: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 10:30 Mo 15.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ich wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

Ralph also becomes infected by the savagery and the lust for hunting.

How does the third-person limited narrator of  Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" affect the story?
The first person limited narrator evokes suspense. Because we only get the information through Montag’s point of view we don’t know what really happened wit the other. Therefore we have to create our own ideas.
We don’t know the entire stories of Mildred and Beatty and can’t see in their minds.

The most characters are entirely restricted to the Brave new world

The language is easy and clearly. The author often employ ironical and sarcastic resources. But he also uses malicious and humorous exaggeration to clarify the aberration (Fehlentwicklung?) in Brave new world.

A lot of Shakespaeare-cites are extremely remoted from the reality.

Because of great distance to the characteristic, the persons don’t undergo a development. The only exception is John who builds the central thread in the novel.

The mass production begins with cars and will end with humans.

When we aren’t allow to express our own opinion, or unable to think in our own, we will lose our identity and every human seems to be equal.

Of course in the society today everyone of us has the duties and rights. But the propensity is clear that the individuality has to subordinate the society.

To achieve this goal they must evolve instrument to accomplish social stability

Vielen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Korrigieren: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Do 16.07.2009
Autor: matux

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