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Korrekturlesen Englisch: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 13:11 Sa 26.09.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

Ich wäre ungemein dankbar um Korrekturlesen: (Satzzeichensetzung unwichtig)

I welcome you to my presentation. I’m very pleased that so many students are come.
The next ten minutes I will tell you something about a specific process. Unfortunately, exactly at this moment I have forgot my topic, because of stagefright. I hope you can help me to save my presentation, by guessing the topic, that deals with follows issues:

 Without that the Life on earth were impossible
 It‘s for the human eyes invisible
 Nearly weekly a new scenario is published
 The mankind influence this process negative
 One of the greatest challenge in the future
 Is responsible for the global Warming
Tank you very much for your help.

Folie 2 More Relevant than ever
I choice this topic, because it’s more current than ever. Nearly everyday you can find in the newspaper or in the television new headlines about it and researcher release new scenario. More about the relevance of this topic you will “erfahren” soon. I hope your knowledge about this topic aren’t very “gross”, so that I can supply you with many new things.  

Content Folie 3
Before I start with the presentation I will give you an overview what you have to expect in the next minutes.  
At first I will tell you about the history of greenhouse effect.
Afterward I will introduce the green house effect, how it works and the different between the natural and anthropogenic green house effect.
Furthermore you learn more about the consequences of the green house effect. Afterwards I will  take a look in the future and predict the development.

As you can see I don’t want reduce my presentation of the green house effect, but also give information about the impact of this process, because this lead to a better understanding of the whole subject.

Although I try to use a standart English vocabulary It sometimes inevitable to use special English words.

History Greenhouse Effect Folie 4
The greenhouse effect was discovered from the French researcher Joseph Fourier in 1824.
1896 The Swedish chemist discover the coherence between  the incineration of fossil fuel and the development of carbon dioxide emissions
But the systematical exploration of this process began first in 1958. Charles Keeling measured an annual increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
1979 was published the first time the danger coherence between green house effect and global warming.
1992 In/by the conference of Rio de Janeiro determines to reduce the green house emission.
1997 conclude several states a contract, that names “ Kyoto-Protocol” to reduce the CO2 emission until 2010 under the level of 1990. But that this prospect aren’t such effective as it seems to be at the first glance you will “erfahren” later.

Vielen herzlichen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Korrekturlesen Englisch: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:20 Di 27.10.2009
Autor: matux

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