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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen
Korrekturlesen < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrekturlesen: Kurzgeschichte Teil1
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 15:33 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: MonaMoe

Ich fand die Idee mit der Stückelung ganz gut. Dankeschön

Also hier der Anfang, den ich eigentlich noch einmal verbessert habe, muss aber trotzdem nicht alles stimmen. Man sagt Sachen auf englisch ja auch immer etwas anders als man es auf deutsch tut, das weiß ich ja noch selbst, aber bei der Umsetzung hapert es. :-)

At this sunny afternoon Peter was on his way home again.
As he walked through the same old park as he did every day after work he passed by a cute little girl. She sat on a park table drawing some kind of picture. As Peter looked over her shoulder he saw a nice little picture showing a family with the father in the middle. As he saw the picture of the family the little girl has drawn he remembered that he wanted to be a father all his life, but unfortunately he was alone so he walked on to the bar. He had a few drinks and went home alone. Again.
The next day the little girl was sitting at the very same place as he crossed the park after work. Peter walked up to her to look over her shoulder as he saw the crying woman the little girl has drawn. `Who is that?`,Peter asked. `My mommy`, the girl answered. `But why is she crying`, Peter wondered. `Because she is sad. But who are you?`, he heard her say. `Oh, sorry, I`m Peter and I like your pictures. And what`s your name?`, he replyed. `Lulu`, the girl said.
`You are alone here? Where are your parents?`, Peter wanted to know. `My mommy has to work and daddy died before I became one year old`, Lulu answered.
Peter decided to invite the little girl to have an ice cream with him. They talked, got to know each other a bit, until Peter was leaving for the day. Before he fell asleep, he felt a warm feeling at heart, which made him wonder.
The next day he met Lulu again. He invited her to a movie, they played catch and hide in the park . He bought her a ball, new crayons and felt that it was very good. They became friends and they no longer felt alone.

Korrekturlesen: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:20 Di 27.10.2009
Autor: matux

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