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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturen
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Korrekturen: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:21 Di 19.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen
Etwas zum korrigieren

Faber gives him a a two-way radio to communicate with Montag and supports him to find his own way.

Beatty provokes Montag and taunts him when he discovers that Montag wears a transmitter in his ears. Afterwards Montag kills Beatty with the flamethrower.

Because Montag could flee another innocent person has to die in place of him.

Clarisse isn’t prejudice as/like the majority, because she evaluates the facts.

Montag feels that something is missing in his life.

The resolution takes place, when an atomic war decay the city so that the book people are able to create a new and better society.

Montag begins to pondering if he is really happy.

Wie sage ich, Sie ist interessiert an anderen Leuten?
She is interested in other people?

Gruss Dinker

Korrekturen: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 08:26 So 31.05.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

>  Etwas zum korrigieren
> Faber gives him a a two-way radio to communicate with
> Montag and supports him to find his own way.
> Beatty provokes Montag and taunts him when he discovers
> that Montag wears a transmitter in his ears. Afterwards
> Montag kills Beatty with the flamethrower.
> Because Montag could flee another innocent person has to
> die in place of him.
> Clarisse isn’t prejudice as/like the majority, because she
> evaluates the facts.
> Montag feels that something is missing in his life.
> The resolution takes place, when an atomic war decay the
> city so that the book people are able to create a new and
> better society.
> Montag begins to pondering if he is really happy.
> Wie sage ich, Sie ist interessiert an anderen Leuten?
>  She is interested in other people?

Etwas zum korrigieren Korrigieren

Faber gives him a a two-way radio to communicate with Montag and supports him to find his own way.

Beatty provokes Montag and taunts him when he discovers that Montag wears a transmitter in his ears. Afterwards Montag kills Beatty with the flamethrower.

Because Montag could flee another innocent person has to die in place of him.

Clarisse isn’t as prejudiced as /like the majority, because she evaluates the facts.

Montag feels that something is missing in his life.

The resolution takes place, when an atomic war decays the city so that the book people (was meinst du damit?) are able to create a new and better society.

Montag begins to pondering wonder if he is really happy.

Wie sage ich, Sie ist interessiert an anderen Leuten?
She is interested in other people? [ok]

Viele Grüße

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