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Korrektur erwünscht: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 13:34 Mo 29.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Ich wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

The reader hasn’t the  to take a breather because every moment can happen something important.

In contrast to the most people at this time he doesn’t believe in human beings good nature. This attitude was influenced by the first World War, where he saw the man’s ferocity and cruelty.

Simone is a spiritual character because he can see more then the others.

He makes a scatter impression.

This perspective allows the other to show us as much as possible what is going on in the boy’s mind.

He is endevear to keep the group’s focus on the hope for rescue.

Several times he loses his focus for rescuing.

Light-hearted life = unbeschwerte Leben?

Faber and Montag support each other. Faber helps Montag to carry on his way and helps him as advisor. With the aid of Montag, Faber loses his coward behaviour, because he becomes new energy to combat the system.

He has a clear aid in mind.

The citizen are completely alienated, all the human features like family, love, religion are eradicated.

The reader can projects Montag’s thought.

Ralph wird zum gejagten = ?

Their focus to be rescued has replaced by their frenzy for hunting and torture.

Every character represents a particular attitude. For example Ralph stands for democracy, Piggy for intellectualism and Jack for his authoritarian power.

Although the dark side of human-being is different distinct by the characters, nevertheless you see by every character a propensity to the inner beast.

His will to change his life becomes stronger.

The savage is the central character in the novel. He is the only one who can compare the Brave new world with other worlds, so he can judge how the life is there. Neither of the two world he can find his fulfilment, because both world doesn’t allow him to life according to his notion. Therefore the logical conclusion is, that he hasn’t another escape then to commit suicide. With this ending the author pressures the reader to question what is going false in the Brave new World. By this process the reader sees that a lot of the trends are similar to the world today.

The point of view shifts several times. Sometimes we see the world from Ralph perspective, other times from Simone’s or Piggy perspective. To give us important information or describe the nature, the author interferes in the story.

Because the author shifts several times the perspective, the reader has a an impartial view.

But I have my doubts if he is really persuaded how the government works. I think he supports the system as long he can take advantage.

The novel takes place in the future, but it isn’t mention the exactly year. Also the place doesn’t find mention.

A lot of the people in our society can’t be for their own. So they don’t take time to think about their life or make thought about relevant things, because they prefer futile entertainment.

Or instead to have real communication a lot of people prefer to communication (with) the internet, where you can find special platforms like facebook.

This novel belongs to the literary genre of dystopian. That means the author shows us a world which seems to be perfect. But when you receive more information about this world you come more and more to the discretion what a horrible world this is in fact. Because people’s mind is suppressed and the people aren’t allowed to deviate from the norm. The author has the intention to warn us, how our own world could end, when we continue our trends.

The people’s manipulation begins before they are born with the genetical  producing, where the government determines the people’s quality, so that they behaviour in the government interest.
But based on the way as the description the island the reader becomes already a foreshadowing, that the island isn’t so perfectly as the boys think.

Vielen Dank
gruss Dinker

Korrektur erwünscht: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:20 Do 30.07.2009
Autor: matux

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