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Korrektur: Film Review
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:27 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Hallo zusammen,

Benötige dringend eure Hilfe bei nachstehendem Text.
Wer ist so freundlich und würde diesen Text hinsichtich
grammatikalischer, orthographischer sowie wenn es ginge
auch auf inhaltliche Fehler Korrektur lesen? Der Text muss
unbedingt eine 1 werden.
Schon mal vielen herzlichen Dank und frohe Weihnachten.

Hier nun der Text:

The Iron Lady is a biography film based on the life of Margaret Thatcher. For this purpose, the film was directed by Phyllida Lloyd. By the way, the director wanted to pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher who died this year. The Iron Lady is a surprising and intimate portrait of the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. One of the most influence women in a male-dominated world. She was a famous personality of the twentieth century.
The movie retraces her career, on account of her childhood as a daughter of grocer until her Policy fall in 1990. Her entry into politics began between 1950 and 1951, when she comes to get elected in the labour stronghold of Dartford. It was a failure. On the movie, she saw her disappointment and regret to her unpopularity. In spite of her failure, she decided to reconnect her attempts to enter in politics and choose in 1958 to be the conservative candidate for Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. It was a success and entered in The House of Commons in 1959. This is the beginning of her political career. Not only she came to power by becoming Prime Minister in 1979 but also it was the first female to lead the country. During this time, The United Kingdom suffered a major economic crisis. She wanted to redress the situation with many privatizations. However, she faced many strikes following the rise of unemployment. The Iron Lady introduced a new tax who unleashed the anger of the population. A lot of riots and strikes and her refusal to join the United Kingdom to Europe unleashed polemics. The Prime Minister was in minority within her own party. So she decided to resigned her post as Prime Minister in 1990. It is the end of « the thatcharism ».

At the end of her career, the lady is unregonised. She feels lack of powers on account of her old age. Margaret Thatcher has difficulty for distinguing between the past and the present due to the fact of the Alzheimer disease. Whereas her husband Denis Thatcher was death, she continues to have many conversations with him. As far as he died for several years. Throughout the film she has differents defining moments as « Flashbacks ».  Hence we unterstand many thinks about her personal and professional life. Further flashbacks examine historical events during her time as Prime Minister. For instance, she signed autographs of her autobiography, she makes mistake by signing her maiden name. All of these experiences are traced. Her beginning as a long-middle-class woman against a male-dominated world. Moreover her seat in the House of Commons.

Vielen Dank

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:16 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Ist niemand da, der mir bei dem Text helfen kann?

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:01 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Kann mir niemand helfen?

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 19:34 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Hallo, wer könnte mir bei diesem Text helfen?

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:49 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: leduart

? Der Text muss

> unbedingt eine 1 werden.
>  Schon mal vielen herzlichen Dank und frohe Weihnachten.
> Hier nun der Text:
> The Iron Lady is a biography film based on the life of
> Margaret Thatcher.

>For this purpose,
macht  auch auf deutsch auch für mich keinen Sinn . Warum für diesen Zweck?  und nicht einfach nur den Teil des Satzes?
the film was directed

> by Phyllida Lloyd.
> By the way, =übrigends

auch hier passt übrigens nicht
meintest du vielleicht "in this way"
>the director wanted to pay

> tribute to Margaret Thatcher who died this year. The Iron
> Lady is a surprising and intimate portrait of the first
> female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. One of the
> most influence women in a male-dominated world. She was a

influence ist kein Adjektiv, also hier falsch such das richtige!

> famous personality of the twentieth century.
> The movie retraces her career,
> on account of

= deswegen oder wegen
passt hier nicht
villeicht meinst du starting with ...
her childhood

> as a daughter of grocer until her Policy fall in 1990.

was soll  Policy fall  heißen?
>Her  entry into politics began between 1950 and 1951, when she

> comes to get elected in the labour stronghold of Dartford.

if she comes to be eleczrzed it cant be a failure?
Meinst du she tried to be elected?

> It was a failure. On the movie, she saw her disappointment
> and regret to her unpopularity.

hast du das gesehen oder sie? macht für mich so keinen Sinn.
>In spite of her failure,

> she decided to reconnect her attempts to enter in politics

reconnect= wieder verbinden?. versteh ich nicht. vielleicht renew?

> and choose in 1958 to be the conservative candidate for
> Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. It was a
> success and

she entered  The House of Commons in 1959. This

> is the beginning of her political career. Not only she came
> to power by becoming Prime Minister in 1979 but also it was
> the first female to lead the country. During this time, The
> United Kingdom suffered a major economic crisis. She wanted
> to redress the situation with many privatizations. However,
> she faced many strikes following the rise of unemployment.
> The Iron Lady introduced a new tax who unleashed the anger
> of the population. A lot of riots and strikes and her
> refusal to join the United Kingdom to Europe unleashed
> polemics.

den Satz versteh ich nicht, due 2 genannten Dinge sind doch nicht zusammenhängend?

> The Prime Minister was in minority within her own
> party. So she decided to resigned her post as Prime
> Minister in 1990. It is the end of « the thatcharism ».
> At the end of her career, the lady is unregonised. She
> feels lack of powers on account of her old age. Margaret
> Thatcher has difficulty for distinguing between the past
> and the present due to the fact of the Alzheimer disease.

was meist du mit  unregonised.
die 3 Satze sind sehr holprig, hatte sie Alzheimer oder war sie einfach alt?

> Whereas her husband Denis Thatcher was death, she continues #

du meinst doch obwohl=although und nicht Whereas = indessen

ihr Mann war sichr nicht der Tod!

> to have many conversations with him. As far as he died for
> several years.

soweit er mehrere Jahre starb?
was willst du sagen?

> Throughout the film she has differents

different (ohne s) verschiedene? oder eher einige?

> defining moments as « Flashbacks ».  Hence we unterstand
> many thinks about her personal and professional life.


> Further flashbacks examine historical events during her
> time as Prime Minister. For instance, she signed autographs
> of her autobiography, she makes mistake by signing her
> maiden name. All of these experiences are traced. Her
> beginning as a long-middle-class woman against a
> male-dominated world. Moreover her seat in the House of
> Commons.

das Ende versteh ich gar nicht, fäängst du wieder am anfang an, oder soll das was zusammenfassen?=


1 ist das noch lange nicht.
Gruss leduart

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:28 Mo 16.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Ok, vielen vielen Dank für die Verbesserung. Ich werde über alle Dinge nachdenken und mich dann noch einmal melden.

Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 08:28 Di 17.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Ok, habe versucht den Text zu verbessern. Kann mal bitte jemand Korrektur lesen?

The Iron Lady is a biographical film based on Margaret Thatcher’s life directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It is easy to determine that the director wanted to pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher who died a year after the film was released. The Iron Lady is a surprising and intimate portrait of the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, one of the most influential women in a male-dominated world and a famous personality of the twentieth century.

The movie traces the career of Margaret Thatcher, beginning with her childhood as a daughter of grocer and ending at her policy fall in 1990. Her entry into politics began between 1950 and 1951, when she was elected into the labour stronghold of Dartford. This attempted entry was an unfortunate failure. In the movie, we see her disappointment and regret she felt towards her unpopularity. In 1958 despite her original failure, Thatcher decided to renew her attempts to enter politics as the conservative candidate for Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. This time she was successful and eventually entered The House of Commons in 1959. This was the true beginning of her political career.

When Margaret Thatcher came to power by becoming Prime Minister in 1979, she also became the first female to lead the country. During this time, the United Kingdom suffered from a major economic crisis. She wanted to remedy this situation through the privatization of many industries; however, she faced many strikes due to the rise of unemployment. The “Iron Lady” then introduced a new tax, which unleashed the anger of the population. Her refusal to allow the United Kingdom to join the European Union combined with rioting and strikes led to her political position being in jeopardy. The Prime Minister was in the minority even within her own party. As a result, she decided to resign her post as Prime Minister in 1990. It was the end of « the Thatcherism ».

At the end of her career the former Iron lady was, as we can see in the movie, widely unrecognised. She experienced a lack of power on account of her old age. Margaret Thatcher also had difficulty distinguishing between the past and the present caused by a dreadful disease; she was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the death of her husband Denis Thatcher, she continued to have many conversations with him. Throughout the film she had several defining moments the audience experiences as « Flashbacks ». For instance, in one flashback Margaret Thatcher autographs copies of her autobiography, but mistakenly signs her maiden name.  These flashbacks allow the viewer to understand many things about both her personal and professional life. Further flashbacks examine historical events during her time as Prime Minister. As a whole, the film The Iron Lady paints an accurate and emotionally engaging account of Margaret Thatcher’s life and experiences throughout her political career.

Das wäre zu freundlich und sehr sehr nett.


Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:01 Di 17.12.2013
Autor: chrisno

Ich gebe mal meinen Senf dazu, ohne mich als sonderlich kompetent zu bezeichnen.

> The Iron Lady is a biographical film based on Margaret
> Thatcher’s life directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It is easy to
> determine

determine passt hier nicht

> that the director wanted to pay tribute to
> Margaret Thatcher who died a year after the film was
> released. The Iron Lady is a surprising and intimate
> portrait of the first female Prime Minister of the United
> Kingdom, one of the most influential women in a
> male-dominated world and a famous personality of the
> twentieth century.
>  (Thesis)
> The movie traces the career of Margaret Thatcher, beginning
> with her childhood as a daughter of


> grocer and ending at
> her policy fall in 1990.

bezweifel ich sehr, ob policy fall korrekt ist. Ich hätte es amerikanisch mit Strategie-Herbst übersetzt.

> Her entry into politics began

Einstieg begann .... inhaltlich schon richtig, aber dennoch merkwürdige Formulierung

> between 1950 and 1951, when she was elected into the labour
> stronghold of Dartford. This attempted entry was an
> unfortunate failure. In the movie, we see her
> disappointment and regret she felt towards her
> unpopularity. In 1958 despite her original failure,
> Thatcher decided to renew her attempts to enter politics as
> the conservative candidate for Parliament for the
> constituency of Finchley. This time she was successful and
> eventually entered The House of Commons in 1959. This was
> the true beginning of her political career.
> When Margaret Thatcher came to power by becoming Prime
> Minister in 1979, she also became the first female to lead
> the country. During this time, the United Kingdom suffered
> from a major economic crisis. She wanted to remedy this
> situation through the privatization of many industries;
> however, she faced many strikes due to the rise of
> unemployment. The “Iron Lady” then introduced a new
> tax, which unleashed the anger of the population. Her
> refusal to allow the United Kingdom to join the European
> Union combined with rioting and strikes led to her
> political position being in jeopardy. The Prime Minister
> was in the minority even within her own party. As a result,
> she decided to resign her post as Prime Minister in 1990.
> It was the end of « the Thatcherism ».
> At the end of her career the former Iron lady was, as we
> can see in the movie, widely unrecognised. She experienced
> a lack of power on account of her old age. Margaret
> Thatcher also had difficulty

difficulties to distinguish

> distinguishing between the
> past and the present caused by a dreadful disease; she was
> suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the death of
> her husband Denis Thatcher, she continued to have many
> conversations with him. Throughout the film she had several
> defining moments the audience experiences as « Flashbacks
> ». For instance, in one flashback Margaret Thatcher
> autographs copies of her autobiography, but mistakenly
> signs her maiden name.  These flashbacks allow the viewer
> to understand many things about both her personal and
> professional life. Further flashbacks examine historical
> events during her time as Prime Minister. As a whole, the
> film The Iron Lady paints an accurate and emotionally
> engaging account of Margaret Thatcher’s life and
> experiences throughout her political career.

Ich kenne den Film nicht. In dieser Besprechung finde ich nicht wieder, dass durch ihre Politik die Macht der Gewerkschaften entscheidend und dauerhaft reduziert wurde und dass sie so die britische Gesellschaft und Politik geprägt hat.

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:16 Di 17.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Danke sehr. Also Hinweis: Es ist erst die erste Hälfte des Textes. Die andere Hälfte folgt noch.

Korrektur: Film Review - The Iron Lady
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:35 Do 19.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Hallo zusammen,

nun dann der komplette Text zu dem o.a. Film. Es soll ein Film Review werden. Ich glaube, ich habe bis jetzt noch zu wenig über den Film an sich geschrieben. Hat jemand diesen Film gesehen? Wer könnte mir helfen und noch einmal den kompletten Text Korrektur lesen?

The Iron Lady is a biography film based on Margaret Thatcher’s life directed by Phyllida Lloyd. It is easy to determine that the director wanted to pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher who died a year after the film released. The Iron Lady is a surprising and intimate portrait of the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, one of the most influential women in a male-dominated world and a famous personality of the twentieth century.

The movie traces the career of Margaret Thatcher, beginning with her childhood as a daughter of grocer until her policy fall in 1990. Her entry into politics began between 1950 and 1951, when she was elected in the labour stronghold of Dartford. This attempted entry was an unfortunate failure. In the movie, we see her disappointment and regret she felt towards her unpopularity. In 1958 despite her original failure, Thatcher decided to renew her attempts to enter politics as the conservative candidate for Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. This time she was successful and eventually entered The House of Commons in 1959. This was the beginning of her political career.

When Thatcher came to power by becoming Prime Minister in 1979, she also became the first female to lead the country. During this time, The United Kingdom suffered from a major economic crisis. She wanted to remedy this situation through the privatizations of many industries; however, she faced many strikes due to the rise of unemployment. “The Iron Lady” introduced a new tax, which unleashed the anger of the population. Her refusal to allow the United Kingdom to join the European Union combined with rioting and strikes led to her political position being in jeopardy. The Prime Minister was in minority even within her own party. As a result, she decided to resign her post as Prime Minister in 1990. It was the end of “the Thatcherism”. What was her life like 20 years after she left her post as Prime Minister ?

At the end of her career the former Iron Lady was, as we can see in the movie, widely unrecognised. She experienced a lack of powers on account of her old age. Margaret Thatcher also had difficulties to distinguishing between the past and the present due to a dreadful disease; she was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the death of her husband Denis Thatcher, she continued to have many conversations with him. Even though he died several years ago. Throughout the film she had several defining moments the audience experiences as “Flashbacks”. For instance, in one flashback Margaret Thatcher autographs copies of her autobiography, but mistakenly signs her maiden name “Margaret Robert”. These flashbacks allow the viewer to understand many things about both her personal and professional life. Further flashbacks examine historical events during her time as Prime Minister. As a whole, the film The Iron Lady paints an accurate and emotionally engaging account of Margaret Thatcher’s life and experiences throughout her political career. For instance, her years at 10 Downing Street, the Falkland War and Margaret’s battle with the IRA.

In the movie, the American star Meryl Streep is unrecognized. She pays tribute to incarnate Margaret Thatcher. The actress had already well explained that she was fascinated by the complex personality of the Iron Lady. So that she had worked her physical and intonations. She rather wanted to capture this galvanizing energy that she had and her ability of conviction. When Margaret Thatcher was speaking, nobody wanted her interrupted. The efforts that she had provided are worthy of its model. Indeed, she had good adapted the almost wardrobe of Margaret Thatcher with a brushing, a pearl necklace, earrings pearly without forgetting the blue suit. The American actress was perfectly able to live the character and she had an incredible talent. It was an incredible metamorphosis. To this end, Meryl Streep won several awards for this film. Not only Meryl Streep won best actress Oscar with her surprising talent for Iron Lady performance and a Golden Globe for the role. Moreover, the American actress won awards of the best make up and costume design. She was perfect for play the role.  

Furthermore, an other actor plays perfectly his role, Jim Broadbent. He played Thatcher’s husband, Dennis. As we can see, the husband of Margaret Thatcher was dead several years ago in the movie. But she had many conversations with him. Her husband is like a ghost. Meryl Streep must give the replica to a dead character played by Jim Broadbent. Moreover, the scenario is very good that she is not ready to lose him. He continued to speak and make jokes for Margaret Thatcher.

At last but not at least, my personal view about the film is that we have clear images. The film was very well making. I was very surprised by the transformation of Meryl Streep. Thanks to her talent the film was a success. It was a good interpretation by the way to play a woman with her convictions in a male politic world. However, I think the film is well focus on the private life of Margaret Thatcher as her politic. We saw her private life and her difficulty after she left her place as Prime Minister. To conclude Mrs Thatcher and her children never wanted to see this film.

Ich danke euch von ganzem Herzen.


Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:50 Fr 20.12.2013
Autor: mausieux

Jemand da?

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:59 Sa 21.12.2013
Autor: leduart

zu dem Abschnitt

In the movie, the American star Meryl Streep is unrecognized. She pays tribute to incarnate Margaret Thatcher. The actress had already well explained that she was fascinated by the complex personality of the Iron Lady. So that she had worked her physical and intonations. She rather wanted to capture this galvanizing energy that she had and her ability of conviction. When Margaret Thatcher was speaking, nobody wanted her interrupted. The efforts that she had provided are worthy of its model. Indeed, she had good adapted the almost wardrobe of Margaret Thatcher with a brushing, a pearl necklace, earrings pearly without forgetting the blue suit. The American actress was perfectly able to live the character and she had an incredible talent. It was an incredible metamorphosis. To this end, Meryl Streep won several awards for this film. Not only Meryl Streep won best actress Oscar with her surprising talent for Iron Lady performance and a Golden Globe for the role. Moreover, the American actress won awards of the best make up and costume design. She was perfect for play the role.  
kannst du mal in gutem deutsch schreiben, was genaudu sagen willst_ vielleicht find ich dann Yeit ,das anzusehen, aber vergleich dann nochmal mit deinem engl, Text.
mir scheint der 2te Teil sehr unkonzentriert geschrieben.
ich kenn das movie nicht, du sagst es fängt in der Kindheit an, aber der Ehemann tritt nur als Geist auf?
den Verlauf bzw. aufbau krieg ich aus deinem Text nicht mit.
kurz vor Weihnachten gibts natürlich auch sonst was zu tun.

Gruss leduart

Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 19:29 Fr 10.01.2014
Autor: mausieux

Hallo, wie findet ihr den Text jetzt?

The Iron Lady is a biographical film based on Margaret Thatcher’s life directed by Phyllida Lloyd. The American film was released a year after Margaret Thatcher died (2011). The main actors are Meryl Streep in the role of Margaret Thatcher and Jim Broadbent who plays Denis Thatcher. The Iron Lady is a surprising and intimate portrait of the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, one of the most influential women in a “male-dominated world” and a famous personality of the twentieth century. How through flashbacks and actors does the director pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher?
The film traces the personal life and career of Margaret Thatcher, starting with her childhood as the daughter of grocer and ending with her policy fall in 1990. The film reflects the great disappointment and the regret she felt towards her unpopularity. Despite her original failure, Thatcher decided to renew her attempts to enter politics as the conservative candidate for Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. This time she was successful and eventually entered the House of Commons. This could be marked as the beginning of her political career. When Thatcher truly came to power by becoming Prime Minister in 1979, she also became the first female to lead the country. During this time, the United Kingdom suffered from a major economic crisis. She wanted to remedy this situation through the privatisation of many industries. However, she faced many strikes due to the rise of unemployment. “The Iron Lady” introduced a new tax, which unleashed the anger of the population. Her refusal to allow the United Kingdom to join the European Union, combined with riots and strikes, led to her political position being in jeopardy. The Prime Minister became so unpopular within her own party that even her colleagues wanted her to retreat. As a result, she decided to resign from her post as Prime Minister in 1990, signifying the end of “the Thatcherism”.
The film then focuses on showing what Margaret Thatcher’s life was like twenty years after her resignation. At the end of her life, the former Iron Lady was, as we can see in the movie, widely unrecognized by the English population. She suffered from a lack of power on account of her old age. Margaret Thatcher had also difficulty in distinguishing the past from the present because of the dreadful Alzheimer’s disease. As dementia took more and more control of her, she forgot the death of her husband Denis Thatcher and continued to have many conversations with him. Throughout the film she had several defining moments that the audience experienced as “Flashbacks”. For instance, in one flashback Margaret Thatcher autographs copies of her autobiography, but mistakenly signs her maiden name “Margaret Robert”. These flashbacks allow the audience to understand many things about both her personal and professional life. Further flashbacks examine historical events during her time as Prime Minister. As a whole, the film The Iron Lady paints an accurate and emotionally engaging picture of Margaret Thatcher’s life and experiences throughout her political career. The film shows impressive moments her years spent at 10 Downing Street, Margaret’s battle with the IRA and the Falkland War. Furthermore, the song “(I’m in love with) Margaret Thatcher” by the punk band “The Note Sensibles” appears into the film as part of the Falklands war victory celebration. The music is suitable for animating and exalting the scene. The song contributes to make fun of “the iron lady” after the Falkland War, which was useless. However the music works perfectly with the 20th century at the time the story takes place.
In the film, the American actress Meryl Streep is almost unrecognizable. She plays an excellent tribute to Margaret Thatcher. The actress explained that she was so fascinated by the complex personality of the Iron Lady, that she spent a great time working to perfect her physicality and intonation. In preparation for her role, Streep sat though a session of the House of Commons to observe British MPs in action. Meryl Streep wanted to capture the galvanizing energy and conviction that Margaret Thatcher had in her everyday life. When Margaret Thatcher was speaking, nobody ever interrupted her. As we see in the film, Streep’s efforts created a film character worthy of its model. He also did a wonderful job by adopting the wardrobe of Margaret Thatcher with her hair style, the pearl necklace and earrings, all without forgetting the iconic blue suit. The American actress was perfectly able to portray the character of Margaret Thatcher and she demonstrated incredible talent in doing so. It was an incredible metamorphosis. It is no surprise that Meryl Streep won several awards for this film. Not only did she win an Oscar for best actress with her surprising talent in The Iron Lady, but she also won a Golden Globe for the role. Moreover, the American actress won awards for the best make up and for costume design. She was perfect in every way for the role of Margaret Thatcher. In the film, the second actor, Jim Broadbent, was perfectly cast for his role. He played Thatcher’s husband, Dennis. As we can see in the film, the husband of Margaret Thatcher had been dead for several years at the time the movie takes place. However, as previously discussed, we can see him though Margaret’s flashbacks during her conversations with him. Her husband is like a ghost that Thatcher “breathes” life into on order to keep him alive. Moreover, the scenario is a very good demonstration that she is not ready to lose him. He continued to speak and make jokes for Margaret Thatcher.
To conclude, the director’s intention is to pay tribute to Margaret Thatcher throughout archives images. Flashbacks and actors allow understanding about her personal and professional life. My personal opinion about the film is that it was very well made and contained many clear images. I was very surprised by the transformation of Meryl Streep as an actress. I believe that her talent truly made the film successful. It was a great example of how an actress should play a woman with her convictions in a male dominated political world. I also enjoyed how the film is focusing on the private life of Margaret Thatcher as much as the troubles she faced in politics. The audience had the opportunity to experience the hardships in her private life and the difficulty after she left her place as Prime Minister. This makes Margaret Thatcher a much more relatable character and allows us to better sympathize with her. I think it is interesting that Mrs. Thatcher and her children never wanted to see this film, as it was well made, contains excellent acting, and accurate portrays the life of the Thatcher family.

Vielen Dank.

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:49 Sa 11.01.2014
Autor: mausieux


Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:22 Sa 11.01.2014
Autor: leduart

der Text ist mir zu lange für Korrekturen
a) The film traces the personal life and career of Margaret Thatcher, starting with her childhood as the daughter of grocer and ending with her policy fall in 1990.
b) As we can see in the film, the husband of Margaret Thatcher had been dead for several years at the time the movie takes place.
wie passt das zusammen?

:Despite her original failure, Thatcher decided to renew her attempts to enter politics as the conservative candidate for Parliament for the constituency of Finchley. This time she was successful and eventually entered the House of Commons.
das renew ist unverständlich.

Mrs. Thatcher and her children never wanted to see this film
und er wurde erst nach ihrem Tod herausgebracht?

insgesamt fehlen Abschnitte.
einerseits eine Nacherzählung des Films= Handlungsablaufsskzze
dann Stilmittel des Films (also Regie)
andererseits, Kritik bzw Lob für Schauspieler und Regie sollten deutlich getrennt sein
Dein englisch dagegen ist flüssig und gut, einige zu häufige Worte vielleicht noch ersetzen
etwa perfectly
Gruß leduart

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:26 So 12.01.2014
Autor: mausieux

Ok, vielleicht kann ja noch jemand Anderes helfen. Trotzdem schon mal vielen Dank für deine Anmerkungen. Übrigens, der Film wurde erst später veröffentlicht und niemand wollte ihn sehen.

Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:20 Do 16.01.2014
Autor: matux

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