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Korrektur: Text-Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:07 Di 19.01.2010
Autor: MonaMoe

Another possibility that comes from the Internet is the global sourcing. The companies focus their purchasing policy is no longer national, but from a global to buy in the states where the production has the highest cost advantages. Trade barriers between states are being dismantled, the production factor capital is used worldwide, and mobile and new communications technologies are limitless applied.
Businesses that close to this new development, or to take up only half-heartedly, in a short time lose their competitiveness. In this work, are important economic sectors, which are caused by the impact of the Internet on the buying and selling of goods and commodities, defined and explained in more detail.  

Ich bitte um Korrektur meines Textabschnitts.

Vielen Dank im Voraus

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:23 Di 19.01.2010
Autor: pythagora

> Another possibility that comes from the Internet is the

anstatt that comes würde ich "coming" schreiben

> global sourcing. The companies focus their purchasing
> policy is no longer national

das klingt ein wenig kompliziert ausgedrückt
, but from a global to buy in

> the states where the production has the highest cost
> advantages. Trade barriers between states are being
> dismantled, the production factor capital is used

meinst du dass Kapital als produktionsfaktor weltweit genutzt wird?? so hört es sich zumindest an... Vielleicht uch hier eine simplere und eindeutigerer formulierung

> worldwide. New communications technologies
> are limitless applied, for ex.... .
> Businesses that close to this new development, or to take

close --> are not open to these developments, lose in a short time lose their  competitiveness.

> up only half-heartedly, in a short time lose their
> competitiveness. In this work, are important economic
> sectors, which are caused by the impact of the Internet on
> the buying and selling of goods and commodities, defined
> and explained in more detail.

defined and explained in more detail hört sich so angehängt an und schließ den text nicht so wirklich ab, finde ich; ist aber ok soweit.


Korrektur: Verständnisproblem
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:53 Di 19.01.2010
Autor: MonaMoe

close --> are not open to these developments, lose in a short time lose their  competitiveness.


vielen Dank für die Antworten.
Leider hab ich nur nicht verstanden wie ich  "close --> are not open to these developments, lose in a short time lose their  competitiveness." einsetzen soll. Ich krieg den Satz nicht zusammen, deswegen bitte ich noch einmal um Hilfe.


Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:57 Di 19.01.2010
Autor: pythagora

> close --> are not open to these developments, lose in a
> short time lose their  competitiveness.

Oh, da hab ich mich wohl ein wenig vertippt. SORRY fr die Verwirrung, so ist's richtig:
Businesses that are not open to these developments lose lose their  competitiveness in a short time .


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