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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
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Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 10:23 Fr 26.06.2009
Autor: Dinker


Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur

Jack agitates the other boys to Ralph.

Jack’s tribe attacks Rralph groups, because they need Piggy’s glasses to set on fire to grill the meat.

Jack’s act without any consideration for the other boys, because he is only interested in himself and his goal to control the group.

Ralph blows (into) the conch to call the boys together. They are endeavor to continue democracy orders.

That they have lost every element of human being shows the scene, when they set the entire island on fire. With this action they damage themselves, because they destroy every source of food.

They lose every connection to civilization, democracy.

At first he Ralph very delight that there are no grow up around to supervise them. But soon this delight comes/gets to a disillusion.

The boys don’t realize the truth of the beast. They think it’s somebody you can hunt and tangible. Only Simon discovers that the beast is something within us. When he wants informs the other boys about his discovery the boys kills Ralph in their frenzy so that they never will become the truth about the beast.

By Ralph’s government system all the boys are on the same level and can exchange thought. But Ralph reigns as a superior, so that he doesn’t accept when the boys question his system. He is the boss and the boys have to obey.

The government system is only as long stable as nobody deviate from the norm. Therefore every disobeys or rebel propensity must be combatted.

When Piggy dies, Ralph also loses his advisor, who helps him to think rational and to maintain the connection to civilization.

In Brave new world are/is mirrored a lot of current trends. For example, mass consumerism, mass entertainment, danger of cloning and the lost of our own identity. By Pointing out where these trends can end, Huxley warns us how danger some of our trends are and he hopes he can achieve a change of thinking.

Only Ralph admits that he was involve in Simone’s death and feels complicit in/responsible. Therefore Ralph is the sole(?) who really realizes what happened.

After he is voted to the leader he established rules and begins to build up hunts. Already here you can see that some boys have other purposes. For example Jack prefers hunting and others prefer to swim in the lagoon.

John can compare three different words with each other. The reservation world, where he is an outsider and isn’t accepted by others, because of his mother’s behaviour. The brave new World that horrifies him, because the people there have a total other notion of life without any reference to religion, culture, family life, close relationship and she claims unsuccessful the right to be a sinner and suffer.

His first attempt to gain the boys for his group fail.

Although the almost perfect government manipulation there are still some dissidents, who are unwilling to adapt them to the norm.

Several occurrences effect that Montag’s inner turmoil becomes stronger, so that he come to the conclusion how superficial and numb(s) his life is. Therefore he is determined to change his life.

Mildred’s life revolves around TV and drugs. He is unwilling and unable to have a serious conversation. She hasn’t any sympathize for his husband and can’t remember where and when she met him the first time.

By his way to Faber he is unable to suppress his inner turmoil, so that he begins to read in public.
Faber teaches him why books are so important. He mentions three points.
Firstly: The quality of the books.
Secondly: You need leisure to digest this information to build his own opinion.
Thirdly To carry out action based on what we learn from the interaction of the first two points.

In the 50s every person who was supposed to have a link to communism was persecuted from the United State Government.

gruss Dinker

Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Sa 11.07.2009
Autor: matux

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