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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
Korrektur < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 13:04 Mi 04.07.2007
Autor: timo23

Hallo ich bin Erstsemester aber im Englischen etwas aus der Übung. Als Aufgabe sollte ich eine kleine benotete Rescherche schreiben über Affen denen man Sprache beibringen wollte. Hier mein Text. Mir geht es eigentlich nur um die die grammatischen und sprachlichen Fehler, inhaltlich überarbeite ich evtl. noch ein paar Sachen. Wäre cool wenn eine die Fehler finden könnte. Dankeschön.

Why might bonobos be better at language learning than chimpanzees?

Since the 1930s several Scientists have attempted to teach chimpanzees the use of human language.  As apes aren't capable of speaking, in most experiments the scientists prefered a kind of sign language. The biggest achievement so far, was made by a  bonobo called Kanzi. Bonobos are  one of the two species belonging to the chimpanzee genus Pan. The other species is named common chimpanzee. Although they both share the same genus, there are many differences between them. These distinctions will show, why bonobos might be the better language learners.
When we look at the physical characteristics of a bonobo, it's noticeable, that it is more gracile (slight in form) than a common Chimpanzee and has a  smaller head, but a higher forehead. It also has a slim upper body, narrow shoulders, thin neck, and long legs compared with the common chimpanzee. In Addition the Bonobo walks upright more often. Regarding its social behaviour, it is rather peaceful and makes use of a versatile sexualitiy,  in order to ease tensions and to avoid quarrels. For example, the Bonobo can have sex in missionary position. This is not doable for the common chimpanzee and further on its social behavior can be very agressive and brutal. It's also worth mentioning, that the newborn bonobos need more time to be independent from their mothers and often they  have a strong connection to them throughout life. All these characteristics indicate, that bonobos are closer to humanity than chimpanzees. And considering this matter of fact we can at least speculate that bonobos might be better at language learning than common chimpanzees, because complex language is a typical attribute of human nature. Some scientists also think, that the human genes and the bonobo genes are a bit more similar than bonobo and chimp genes.
But in terms of language the most important Similarity between bonobos and humans has still to be mentioned. Bonobos primarily communicate via many different sounds, relating to different meanings. A shrill scream for example is used to make contact. Other sounds express feelings of happines or exitement, and humans often do that in a similar way. Of course we can't consider this as speaking, but perhaps as a prestage of it. Unfortunately bonobos haven't the physical ability to speak, so they can't learn it. Indeed common chimpanzees also often use oral communication, but by comparison, less frequently. They rely more on body language and mimic. Thus bonobo and und human language have more in common, because both are mostly oral. Obviously this is an advantage concerning language learning. By the age of eight, the famous bonobo Kanzi had become capable of understanding spoken English as good as a two-and-half-yea-old human child. This was an impressive achievement. The dutch primatologists Frans de Waal emphasises, that bonobos are often capable of compassion, empathy, altruism,  kindness, patience and sensitivity. They can have many different psychological feelings and can understand other's feelings. Of course this shows, that bonobos are very intelligent animals and that they must have a complex brain. Moreover, science says, that Bonobos have superior intelligence to Common Chimpanzees. According to this facts it's plausible why Bonobos are the better language learners. They have good cognitive abilities, which enables them to make rapid progress and to understand rather complex sentences. Many different experiments varify this.  
Nowadays Kanzis vocabulary includes more than 500 words. He is using 200 of them active and utters them spontanously in ninty percent of the time. That sounds admirable, when you consider, that many people only need about 400 words for everything they have to say in their everyday life.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:37 Mi 04.07.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey timo23 [willkommenvh],

Ich habe mir deinen text mal angeguckt und ich finde ihn toll (kein Wunder, 12. Klasse Gymnasium).

Eine kleine Sache nur am Rande:

du benutzt Kurzformen (wie z.B. it`s, aren`t etc) und ich gehe davon aus, dass das an der Uni in solchen Texten nicht erlaubt ist (uns wurde das schon ab der 10. Klasse untersagt). Wie ist das denn so an der Uni?

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:56 Mi 04.07.2007
Autor: Analytiker

Hi Sarah,

kann natürlich nur für meine Hochschule sprechen. Aber das ist eine absolute Verständlichkeit, das man keine Kurzformen nutzt. Das versteht sich von selbst, da schlechter Stil...

Liebe Grüße

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:23 Do 05.07.2007
Autor: HohesC

> preferred a kind of sign language.
> achievement. The dutch primatologists Frans de Waal

Länderbezeichnungen, auch als Adjektive, werden im Englischen immer groß geschrieben.

> rather complex sentences. Many different experiments varify
> this.  


> Nowadays Kanzis vocabulary includes more than 500 words. He
> is using 200 of them active and utters them spontanously in
> ninty percent of the time.

actively (Adverb zu use) und ninety

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