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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - KOrrektur , bitte?!
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KOrrektur , bitte?!: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:21 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: LaBella

Hat jemand lust für mich diesen aufsatz zu korrigieren??
wäre echt total lieb von euch..!
gglg bella

It´s already eleven and I´m still waiting for him although he promised me that he´ll be punctual.
I hope he doen´t stand me up.
I envy the couple next to me.
It´s a black women and a white man and they look so happy together.
I long to know if they are just friends or a real couple.
Now I recognize that lots of people in the bar are staring at the bicoloured couple.
Some obviousley gossip about them.
That´s not fair.  But the young black woman looked happy all the same.
Maybe she´s accustomed to such situations.
Would my parents would accept it if I would fell in love with a black boy?
And my friends or the people of my class…what would they say?
Neither my parents nor my friends a racist. But I don´t know how they would really react. Sure, my sister would be exalted because she has a very open mind and likes it to get to know different people and different cultures.
But I´m almost sure that several of my classmates would make stupid comments.

I remember an interview which I saw a few months ago in TV. A black boy was talking about his experiences in Austria.
He mentioned that he has always problems to get into clubs or discos although he´s an Austrian citizen and although he has a legal identification card.
Maybe the black woman had also problems to get into this club.

Oh now they are kissing each other. So I have an answer for my question. They are not just normal friends.
Maybe they are already married and have childern.
They are still snogging and every now and then he whispers something in her ear and she loughs.
Oh I miss my boyfriend so much. Why doesn´t he come?
It´s half past eleven and he not even phoned me or wrote me a text message.

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:18 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo LaBella [winken],

> It´s already eleven and I´m still waiting for him although
> he promised me that he´ll be punctual.
> I hope he doen´t stand me up.
> I envy the couple next to me.
> It´s a black women and a white man and they look so happy
> together.
> I long want to know if they are just friends or a real couple.
> Now I`ve recognize dthat lots of people in the bar are staring
> at the bicoloured couple.
> Some (people) obviousley gossip about them.
> That´s not fair.  But the young black woman looked happy
> all the same time.
> Maybe she´s accustomed to such situations (besser: to situations like this).
> Would my parents would accept it if I would fell in love
> with a black boy?
>  And my friends or the people of my class…what would they
> say?
>  Neither my parents nor my friends are racists. But I don´t
> know how they would really react. Sure, my sister would be
> exalted (was soll das heißen?) because she has a very open mind and likes it to
> get to know different people and different cultures.
>  But I´m almost sure that several of my classmates would
> make stupid comments.
> I remember an interview which I saw a few months ago in TV.
> A black boy was talking about his experiences in Austria.
>  He mentioned that he has always problems to get into clubs
> or discos although he´s an Austrian citizen and although he
> has a legal identification card.
> Maybe the black woman had also problems to get into this
> club.
> Oh now they are kissing each other. So I have an answer for
> my question.
In response to my question I get an answer. They are not just normal friends.
> Maybe they are already married and have childern.
> They are still snogging and every now and then he whispers
> something in her ear and she loaughs.
> Oh I miss my boyfriend so much. Why doesn´t he not come?
> It´s half past eleven and he has not even phoned me or wrote me
> a text message.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:58 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: rainerS

Hallo LaBella!

Espritgirl ist mir mit ihrer Korrektur ja schon zuvorgekommen, hat aber ein oder zwei Tippfehler übersehen (Hallo Sarah [winken])

> It´s already eleven and I´m still waiting for him although
> he promised me that he´llhe would be punctual.

"would" wegen indirekter Rede.

> I hope he doesn´t stand me up.
> I envy the couple next to me.
> It´s a black woman and a white man and they look so happy
> together.
> I long to know if they are just friends or a real couple.

Da bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob "I'm longing to know" besser wäre.

> Now I recognize that lots of people in the bar are staring
> at the bicoloured couple.
> Some obviousleyobviously gossip about them.

Oder: It's obvious that some gossip about them.

> That´s not fair.  But the young black woman looked happy
> all the same.
> Maybe she´s accustomed to such situations.
> Would my parents would accept it if I would fell in love
> with a black boy?
>  And my friends or the people of my class…what would they
> say?
>  Neither my parents nor my friends are racists. But I don´t
> know how they would really react. Sure, my sister would be
> exalted enthusiastic

Ich nehme an, dass du "begeistert" meinst.

> because she has a very open mind and likes it to
> get to know different people and different cultures.
>  But I´m almost sure that several of my classmates would
> make stupid comments.
> I remember an interview which I saw a few months ago in TV.
> A black boy was talking about his experiences in Austria.
>  He mentioned that he has always problems to get into clubs
> or discos although he´s an Austrian citizen and although he
> has a legal identification card.
> Maybe the black woman had also problems to get into this
> club.
> Oh now they are kissing each other. So, I have an answer for
> my question. They are not just normal friends.
> Maybe they are already married and have childern.
> They are still snogging and every now and then he whispers
> something in her ear and she loaughs.
> Oh, I miss my boyfriend so much. Why doesn´t he come?
> It´s half past eleven and he did not even phoned me or wrotewrite me
> a text message.

Viele Grüße

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:05 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey Rainer [winken],

> Espritgirl ist mir mit ihrer Korrektur ja schon
> zuvorgekommen,hat aber ein oder zwei Tippfehler übersehen

Dafür konntest du ja mit der Zweitkorrektur meine übersehenen Fehler verbessern ;-)

> > I hope he doesn´t stand me up.
> > I envy the couple next to me.
> > It´s a black woman and a white man and they look so happy
> > together.
> > I long to know if they are just friends or a real couple.
> Da bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob "I'm longing to know"
> besser wäre.

(to) long - ist das ein gebräuchliches Verb? Mir ist es noch nie über den Weg gelaufen, deshalb habe ich zu einer "to want to-Konstruktion" tendiert.


Sarah :-)

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:24 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Sarah [winken]

> > > I hope he doesn´t stand me up.
> > > I envy the couple next to me.
> > > It´s a black woman and a white man and they look so happy
> > > together.
> > > I long to know if they are just friends or a real couple.
> >
> > Da bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob "I'm longing to know"
> > besser wäre.
> (to) long - ist das ein gebräuchliches Verb? Mir ist es
> noch nie über den Weg gelaufen, deshalb habe ich zu einer
> "to want to-Konstruktion" tendiert.

Es drückt ein starkes Verlangen aus, etwa "Ich sehne mich danach, zu erfahren, ob ..."
Das klingt im Deutschen allerdings etwas merkwürdig, finde ich. Nur fällt mir keine bessere Formulierung ein.

  Viele Grüße

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:32 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: mmhkt

> (to) long - ist das ein gebräuchliches Verb? Mir ist es
> noch nie über den Weg gelaufen, deshalb habe ich zu einer
> "to want to-Konstruktion" tendiert.

Hallo und guten Abend, Sarah,

zum Verb "to long" - schau dir mal []diese Seite an.

Schönen Gruß

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:47 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: espritgirl

Hey mmhkt und hey Rainer [winken],

Da habe ich mal wieder meinen Vokabelhorizont erweitert.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

KOrrektur , bitte?!: Danke
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:15 Do 27.09.2007
Autor: LaBella

Vielen dank für die Mühe die ihr euch gemacht habt =))
Bin nicht grad die beste in Englisch
gglg und noch nen schönen abend

ps: to long to know bedeuted so viel wie "gerne wissen wollen"

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