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Forum "Sonstiges (Englisch)" - Grafschaft Kent
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Grafschaft Kent: Vortrag
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:00 Do 22.02.2007
Autor: cancy

Ich muss einen Vortrag über Kent halten, der so ca. 15min gehen soll.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps für mich, oder Städte bei denen ihr denkt die unbedingt mit reingehören, außer Canterbury und Dover.
Oder noch irgendwelche Internetseiten die ihr mir empfehlen könnt ?

Lieben Dank schon mal

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Grafschaft Kent: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:15 Fr 23.02.2007
Autor: Josef

Hallo cancy,

> Ich muss einen Vortrag über Kent halten, der so ca. 15min
> gehen soll.
>  Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps für mich, oder Städte bei
> denen ihr denkt die unbedingt mit reingehören, außer
> Canterbury und Dover.
>  Oder noch irgendwelche Internetseiten die ihr mir
> empfehlen könnt ?

Kent was the first county to introduce farmers' markets four years ago and today has one of the strongest followings in the the country.

Since the decline of Foot and Mouth, the markets have received a further boost from Bluewater, who have hosted two events, as well as the Leeds Castle Food Festival and Kent Agricultural Show.

According to Rob Weaver, from Kentish Fare, 'these markets offer a lifeline to the farmers and their success is largely thanks to the enthusiasm of the respective organisers'.
Michael Barry.
Michael Barry

Celebrity chef Michael Barry, also chairman of Kentish Fare, is optimistic that farmers' markets will continue to grow in popularity in the county.

"For small to medium sized producers of food and drink, they [farmers' markets] offer a huge opportunity to get to the public without the middle man", he said.

Indeed, producers can make great gains from selling their fare directly: "In a supermarket, you get about a quarter of what you would get at a farmer's market," Barry adds.

He adds that there is much to look forward to over the autumn and winter, with many of the markets carrying on throughout. "People can treat themselves at christmas time and the markets have high quality foods and enexpected kinds too."

Farmers' markets in Kent


[]Discover Kent

[]Discover Kent

Viele Grüße

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