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English zum korrigieren: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:47 Mo 18.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Mittag

I think you can apply every technology for good and bad things. For example the nuclear technology you can use to gain nuclear energy, which is in comparison with other possibility to gain energy a very clean method. But you can also need it to annihilating the mankind.
As much I know Switzerland concerned with atomic weapon until 1963, before they gave up this programme.

Vulnerable and unhappy people are probably more susceptible to brainwashing.
A kind of brainwashing are advertisements, which you can find everywhere. The slogan or the message have the aim to tempt people to buy this product. When you hear several times a day, how useful this product is you start to believe and eventually buy it.

Similar to the Brave new World people we are also encouraged to consume, because our economic depend on consumer behavior. But this has also a negative side. We destroy the natural resources and pollute the air, which is responsible for the climate change.
Environment and Economic seem to be incompatible. If we protect the Environment causes negative effects to economic and if the economic further preys the environment our existence is threatened.

We have also the propensity to eradicate the history. Because we think all the invention today are much better and deride the previous generation, what a life they conduct. In some way we alienate us from the past and don’t like to be linked with our history.

Danke vielmals..
Gruss Dinker

English zum korrigieren: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 12:20 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: matux

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