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English sentence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:37 Mi 27.05.2009
Autor: Dinker


Some sentence

This chapter serves the description of the ideology and functionality …. Brave new world

He desires her as person and not only as physical figure.

Based on his superior qualification and his unusual ambition he doesn’t fit into the usual behaviour pattern.

Pregnancy is one of the greatest/biggest taboos in Brave new World.

He wants be alone with her and looks for serious communication

He is determined to fight again the system.

Lenina is shocked when she sees dirty, age?, proverty and misery.

John’s expectations to this other world are great(?).

Mond gives the admission to bring John and Linda to the Brave new World.

Based on his moral attitude he suppresses every (feeling of pleasure?)

This situation is so embarrassed for the director that he flees and resigns from his job. Therewith Bernard gains an important partial success

He enjoys an unusual reputation and is worshipped from women.

Gruss Dinker

English sentence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 07:45 Do 28.05.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

Some sentences

This chapter serves gives the description of the ideology and functionality …. Brave new world

He desires her as person and not only as physical figure.

Based on his superior qualification and his unusual ambition he doesn’t fit into the usual behaviour pattern.

Pregnancy is one of the greatest biggest taboos in Brave new World.

He wants to be alone with her and looks for serious communication

He is determined to fight against the system.

Lenina is shocked when she sees dirty dirt, age? garbage, proverty and misery.

John’s expectations to this other world are great(?) high.

Mond gives the admission to bring John and Linda to the Brave new World.

Based on his moral attitude he suppresses every (feeling of pleasure?) all pleasant feelings.

This situation is so embarrassed embarrassing for the director that he flees and resigns from his job. Therewith So/(Because of this) Bernard gains an important partial success

He enjoys an unusual reputation and is worshipped from by women.

Viele Grüße

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