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English: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:17 Do 13.12.2007
Autor: sgriesser

What is so bad at child laboras?

What is so bad at child laboras?
I think child laboras should become disestablished, because the children, who works in factories have no education and no schooling. Also these children have no time to play, to laugh or generel they have no time to be child. While other European kids play soccer or basketball, thousends of Indians children polish brass on a small work place filled with unbearable chemical fumes and black dust. Therefor I am against child labour.

English: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:34 Do 13.12.2007
Autor: ponysteffi

> What is so bad at child laboras?
>  What is so bad at child laboras?
>  I think child laboras should become disestablished,
> because the children, who works in factories have no
> education and no schooling. Also these children have no
> time to play, to laugh or generel they have no time to be
> child. While other European kids play soccer or basketball,
> thousends of Indians children polish brass on a small work
> place filled with unbearable chemical fumes and black dust.
> Therefor I am against child labour.

Ich würde folgendes schreiben:

What is so bad at child laboras?
I think child laboras should become disestablished, because the children, which work in factories have no education and no schooling. Another point is that they have no time to play, to laugh or generally that they have no time to be children. While European kids play soccer or basketball, thousands of Indian children have to polish brass on a small work place filled with unbearable chemical fumes and black dust. Therefore I am totally against child labour.

Ich hoffe dass dir meine Antwort etwas bringt (ich habe einige Schreibfehler korrigiert und ein paar stilistisch unschöne Ausdrücke geändert)

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