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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Correcting a short text
Correcting a short text < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Correcting a short text: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:15 Di 11.12.2012
Autor: manfreda

There are a lot of differences between the English and the Suisse education , though it seems quite similar at the first sight, because both system have a lot of similar designations with different meanings.
Most students attend a state school in England and Switzerland. The compulsory school time in England is 11 years in Switzerland only 9 years. But in addition in Switzerland the children have to attend kinder garden for two years. In both countries the primary school lasts six years, afterwards they can choose if the want to go to the secondary or grammar school while  in Switzerland you have the possibility to change from the secondary to the grammar school. Most secondary schools in England are divided into academic subjects similar in Switzerland there are levels of A,B and C.  Where A is the best and C the worst.  At the end of this compulsory time the students in England have to do a written examination . Afterwards they can  go to college or an apprenticeship alternatively they can look for a job without any training. While in Switzerland you do not to have to do any examination, they can look for a apprenticeship which depends on their secondary level and school report. Most people which want to attend the university go to grammar school, which lasts 4-6 years in Switzerland and 2 years in England. At the end you have to write a school leaving examination in England the A-levels in Switzerland the “Matura”. But in Switzerland there is a second possibility to go to the University with out the grammar school, in addition to the apprenticeship they can go one more day to school. The final report is not as similar high as the grammar school report, that is why they have to do acceptance tests for some universities.

In England and Switzerland there is a big difference between the timetable and the curriculum. In England every school has the same curriculum, even the exams are the same in whole England and have to be written at the same time. In other words every student has the same chances. In Switzerland the teachers have to configure their own curriculum and are a way more free. Furthermore in England a school day lasts from 9.00-3.30pm five days a week. While in Switzerland  the school day are all different and the the school hours per week change with every level.  Both countries have 13 weeks holidays a year, but they’re divided into three terms and in Switzerland they’re unequally distributed.

As you can see all in all the systems seem really similar but in the other hand every system has its positive and negative sides.

Guten Abend,

Ich wäre sehr dankbar wenn mir jemand diesen Text korrigieren könnte und mir kurz meine häufigsten Fehler erläutern könnte.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Stephanie Dorn

Correcting a short text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:52 Mi 12.12.2012
Autor: reverend

Hallo Stephanie,

unter einem kurzen Text verstehe ich etwas anderes. ;-)

Für mich ist aber eher die Frage, auf welchem Niveau das korrigiert werden soll. Du schreibst in Deinen Angaben "8.Klasse Hauptschule". Wenn das stimmt, ist der Text ausgezeichnet, und ich würde nur ein paar ganz kleine Fehler korrigieren - es fehlen einzelne Plural-"s", "without" wird zusammengeschrieben, und es muss heißen "an apprenticeship". Auch am Ende (der Satz mit den three terms) fehlt etwas (einfach "England", wahrscheinlich).

Der Text liest sich nicht, als wäre er aus dem Deutschen übersetzt, sondern als hättest Du ihn direkt auf Englisch geschrieben. Das ist sehr gut. Man umgeht damit viele Hürden, die sich nur dadurch ergeben, dass man etwas übersetzen muss.

Wenn Du Dich allerdings auf ein höheres Englisch-Examen (sagen wir, CPE) vorbereitest, ist noch einiges zu tun. Die Zeichensetzung ist z.B. sehr deutsch - im Englischen gelten halt ganz andere Regeln und man hat viel weniger Kommas. Da wäre dann auch die Wortwahl zu bedenken und vielleicht sogar die darstellende Struktur des Textes.

Da sind es allerdings nicht so sehr anzukreidende Fehler, sondern eher stilistische Verbesserungsvorschläge. Also: wofür brauchst Du das, und welches Sprachniveau hast Du sonst?

Hier also erst einmal die kleinen  Fehler:

> There are a lot of differences between the English and the
> Suisse Swiss education , though it seems
> they seem quite similar at (the)
> first sight, because both systems have a lot of similar
> designations with different meanings.

Was meinst Du hier mit designations?

>  Most students attend a state school in England and
> Switzerland.

In England würde man eher "public school" sagen.

> The compulsory school time in England is 11
> years in Switzerland only 9 years.

"9 years only" klingt besser.

> But in addition in
> Switzerland the children have to attend kinder garden

Besser: "kindergarten". Das ist ein etabliertes englisches Wort.

> for
> two years. In both countries the primary school lasts six
> years, afterwards they can choose if they want to go to the
> secondary or grammar school while  in Switzerland you have
> the possibility to change from the secondary to the grammar
> school. Most secondary schools in England are divided into
> academic subjects similar in to Switzerland there
> where there are levels
> of A,B and C.  Where A is the best and C the worst.  At the
> end of this compulsory time the students in England have to
> do a written examination . Afterwards they can  go to
> college or (take up) an apprenticeship alternatively they can look
> for a job without any training. While in Switzerland you do
> not to have to do any examination, they can look for an
> apprenticeship which depends on their secondary level and
> school report. Most people which who want to attend (the)
> university go to grammar school, which lasts 4-6 years in
> Switzerland and 2 years in England. At the end you have to
> write a school leaving examination in England the A-levels
> in Switzerland the “Matura”. But in Switzerland there
> is a second possibility to go to the University without
> the grammar school, in addition to the apprenticeship they
> can go one more day to school.

...can go to school one more day a week.

> The final report is not as
> similar high as the grammar school report,

Das geht nicht: "as similar high" - was soll das heißen?

> that is why they
> have to do acceptance tests for some universities.
> In England and Switzerland there is a big difference
> between the timetable and the curriculum. In England every
> school has the same curriculum, even the exams are the same
> in whole England and have to be written at the same time.
> In other words every student has the same chances. In
> Switzerland the teachers have to configure their own
> curriculum and are a way more free. Furthermore in England
> a school day lasts from 9.00-3.30pm five days a week. While
> in Switzerland  the school days are all different and the
> the school hours per week change with every level.  Both
> countries have 13 weeks holidays a year, but they’re
> divided into three terms and in Switzerland they’re
> unequally distributed.

Du meinst das Richtige, aber die Ferien sind doch nicht in drei "Terms" untergliedert...

> As you can see all in all the systems seem really similar
> but in on the other hand every system has its positive and
> negative sides.


> Ich wäre sehr dankbar wenn mir jemand diesen Text
> korrigieren könnte und mir kurz meine häufigsten Fehler
> erläutern könnte.

Außer dem Plural-"s" gibt es eigentlich keinen Fehler, der "häufig" auftritt. Frag also lieber, wenn Du eine der Korrekturen nicht verstehst. Sie sind ein bisschen versteckt, Du musst genau hinschauen.


Correcting a short text: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:12 Mi 12.12.2012
Autor: manfreda

Vielen Dank.

Das mit der Hauptschule muss ein Versehen gewesen sein. Ich besuche zur Zeit ein Gymnasium ;)

Mit freundlichen Grüssen


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