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Correct English: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:38 Mo 25.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

Etwas kleines zum Korrigieren

The intention to make people equal is very obviously at the school. The aim is that every student is good at mathematics, chemistry, biology etc, instead of promoting the individual strengths.

Based on the modern communication tools, real communication becomes rarely. We think it’s much easier and comfortablier to send somebody an e-mail or text messages.

According Beatty and the people of this society, happiness is threatened when your neighbour is better than you are, more intelligent,  better educated, more well-read. This competition causes conflict and lead to unhappiness. Therefore all differences must be eradicated.

Critical thinkers are considered dangerous because they jeopardize this equality.

And eventually she also became a victim of violence, when she was run over by a car.

gruss Dinker

Correct English: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:37 Mo 25.05.2009
Autor: leduart

Hallo dinker

The intention (to make people equal)- get people in line- is very obvious(ly) (kein Adverb) at the

> school. The aim is that every student is good at
> mathematics, chemistry, biology etc, instead of promoting
> the individual strengths.

Die Aussage ist fuer dt. Schulen falsch, aber das ist sicher nicht, was du wissen willst)

> Based on the modern communication tools, real communication

becomes rare(ly) (kein Adverb.) We think it’s much easier and comfortabl(i)er

> to send somebody an e-mail or text messages.

According -to-  Beatty and the people of this society, happiness

> is threatened when your neighbour is better than you are,
> more intelligent,  better educated, more well-read. This

competition causes conflict and lead-s-!! (das koenntest du langsam lernen, 3. Pers singular und s) to unhappiness.

> Therefore all differences must be eradicated.
> Critical thinkers are considered dangerous because they
> jeopardize this equality.
> And eventually she also became a victim of violence, when
> she was run over by a car.

Fehler geklammert
Gruss leduart

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