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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Communication
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Communication: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:36 Mo 21.04.2008
Autor: Mausi23

Hallo, habe da so eine Hausaufgabe. Wir sollen eine Communication über Jobs nach der Schule schreiben. Habe ich gemacht. (Ist das so Gramatikalisch richtig)?Könnt ihr mir beim schluss helfen. Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter!MFG Danke

A: The school time is soon over. Have you plans after the school?
B: yes, I have already a apprenticeship as a office worker. I think it is very interesting for me. I cannot imagine working in the nature and you?
A: On the contrary I can imagine that I work in the nature. But I will be working as a beautician. i prefer to change people. What have you duties in this job?
B: I must working with the computer, writing text or protocols, working the post and send out the post. And I need business English. You must surely work with chemicals.
A: Yes, of course I can always to learn new things and it takes none ends.
Can you imagine to work as actress.
B: On the one side I can do it, because I love lots of cameras. I can show me chocolate side I can play in other characters and one the other side the paparazzi. They pursue me strode and steps. This would disturb me. Would you like to work as singer?
A: Yes, this job is a interesting job. You are free on the stage. And you can get a lot of money. And everybody knows me.

So das ist mein Erarbeites.MFG

Communication: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:17 Mo 21.04.2008
Autor: ponysteffi

Hallo Mausi
Hier einige Verbesserungsvorschläge:

> Hallo, habe da so eine Hausaufgabe. Wir sollen eine
> Communication über Jobs nach der Schule schreiben. Habe ich
> gemacht. (Ist das so Gramatikalisch richtig)?Könnt ihr mir
> beim schluss helfen. Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter!MFG Danke
> A: The school time is soon over. Have you plans after the school?

School time will soon be over. Do you already have plans for the time after school?

>  B: yes, I have already a apprenticeship as a office
> worker. I think it is very interesting for me. I cannot
> imagine working in the nature and you?

Yes, I will have the chance to start an apprenticeship as an office worker. (Die anderen beiden Sätze sind ok)

>  A: On the contrary I can imagine that I work in the
> nature. But I will be working as a beautician. i prefer to
> change people. What have you duties in this job?

Well I can imagine to work in the nature! (nächste 2 Sätze OK) What duties will you have in the job?

>  B: I must working with the computer, writing text or
> protocols, working the post and send out the post. And I
> need business English. You must surely work with
> chemicals.

My duties include working with the computer, writing texts or protocols, and handle the post. I will need business English for it. (nächster Satz i.o)

>  A: Yes, of course I can always to learn new things and it
> takes none ends.
>   Can you imagine to work as actress.

Yes of course, I'm always learning new things... It never takes an end.
Can you imagine to work as an actress?

>  B: On the one side I can do it, because I love lots of
> cameras. I can show me chocolate side I can play in other
> characters and one the other side the paparazzi. They
> pursue me strode and steps. This would disturb me. Would
> you like to work as singer?

On on side I can, because I love cameras. I can show my most fortunate side and play characters. But on the other side there are paparazzi, which would pursue every step I take. This would definitely disturb me.
Would you like to work as a singer?

>  A: Yes, this job is a interesting job. You are free on
> the stage. And you can get a lot of money. And everybody
> knows me.

Yes, I think singer would be an interesting job, which I would like. You are able to do what you like on stage and you are famous and wealthy.

> So das ist mein Erarbeites.MFG

Ich habe dir jetzt nur Grammatikalische Tips gegeben...
Ich finde jedoch, dass deine Konversation keinen grossen Zusammenhang hat...
Hoffentlich konnte ich dir helfen.


Communication: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:43 Mo 21.04.2008
Autor: Blutorange

Ich würde das noch ein wenig anders schreiben:
> A: The school time is soon over. Have you plans after the school?

School time will be over soon. Do you already have plans for the time after school?

>  B: yes, I have already a apprenticeship as a office
> worker. I think it is very interesting for me. I cannot
> imagine working in the nature and you?

Yes, I will have the chance to start an apprenticeship as an office worker.  I think it will be interesting to me.  I can't imagine working in the nature. What about you?

>  A: On the contrary I can imagine that I work in the
> nature. But I will be working as a beautician. i prefer to
> change people. What have you duties in this job?

Well, I can imagine working in the nature! But, I will be working as a beautician. It's because I want to change the people. What duties will you have in the job?

>  B: I must working with the computer, writing text or
> protocols, working the post and send out the post. And I
> need business English. You must surely work with
> chemicals.

My duties include working with the computer, writing texts or protocols, and handling the post. And it'll require business English. You will have to work with chemicals, won't you?

>  A: Yes, of course I can always to learn new things and it
> takes none ends.
>   Can you imagine to work as actress.

Yes, of course, we're always learning new things... it won't end.
Can you imagine working as an actress?

>  B: On the one side I can do it, because I love lots of
> cameras. I can show me chocolate side I can play in other
> characters and one the other side the paparazzi. They
> pursue me strode and steps. This would disturb me. Would
> you like to work as singer?

Me working as an actress? On the one hand, I probably could do that. You know, I love cameras. I can show my best side and play the characters. But on the the other hand there are paparazzi, pursuing every step I take. Definitely annoying.
Would you like to work as a singer?

>  A: Yes, this job is a interesting job. You are free on
> the stage. And you can get a lot of money. And everybody
> knows me.

Yes, I think being a singer would be an interesting job. You are able to do what you like on the stage and you are famous and wealthy.

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