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Bitte um Korrektur: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:17 Mo 13.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Ich würde es sehr schätzen, wenn dies jemand anschauen könnte

Ralph isn’t able to see the whole true and to understand why the boys act in this way.
Ralph struggles for democracy orders, but despite of his efforts/endeavours the boys lose their interest in civilized form of life, because the boys prefer to live out their true human nature that contains bloodthirsty, torture etc.  As consequence of this transformation they lose every sense for reason and sanity and act in the same way as an animal would. Nothing seems to be remaining from the paradise.
What he experiences on the island makes him disillusion. On the one hand because all his efforts to observe common sense rules are ignored and on the other side he becomes aware of losing his innocent. It was definitely to much for him, when he can only weep. He knows nothing will be as it was in the past, because his world view has changed completely.
His message is that in everyone of us resides this dark side independent of the situation. Our task is to keep back this beast, otherwise you could see in the book what will happen.  
They governed from a feeling to live out their true human nature.
The lightning at the sky let anticipate that something very important will happen soon.

In vain his tries to remind the boys of the rules.

Keep back

Der Auto erspart dem Leser keine Details : The author spare the reader no details, because he want illustrate the unvarnished human nature.

- He begins to think about things he had never before and perceives things like the taste of rain.
- Beatty explains Montag, that firemen sometimes overcome by curiosity to read a book. Therefore they have a 24 hours deadline to give the book back.

Intellectualism is considered as outlaw.

- Beatty explains Montag, that firemen sometimes overcome by curiosity to read a book. Therefore they have a 24 hours deadline to give the book back.
Faber refuses to talk with him, because he thinks it a fake, but by showing him the bible he can pacified him so that he is agree to talk with him.

At the . Nazi period book material (besseres Wort?) was completely under their control. They tolerate only books that praise the government. Everybook that showed a critical attitude to the National Socialism was censored.

But in my opinion total human freedom is impossible and undesirable. For example you can already see the education as a intervention in our freedom. Because education tells us how we have to act and in which way to behave.

To answer this question satisfying, I consider it necessary to raise the question what distinguish human beings from animals. Human beings are able to decide between different possibilities, to act based on reason and sanity, exchange ideas with others and the ability to sympathize with other. But by their frenzy to hunt, to torture they lose all of these abilities. Therefore I consider the boys more as animal then as human
He mentions three principles that it possible to explore the precious values of books.

By using a lot of symbols and metaphers the reader can immerge in the intellectual world

Vielen Dank
Gruss DInker

Bitte um Korrektur: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 Do 13.08.2009
Autor: matux

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